Preaward survey means an evaluation of a prospective contractors capability to perform a proposed contract. [52][53] Ibn Battuta states the Maldivian king was converted by Abu al-Barakat Yusuf al-Barbari (Blessed Father of Somalia). Pet(s): Aeroponics is a system wherein roots are continuously or discontinuously kept in an environment saturated with fine drops (a mist or aerosol) of nutrient solution. means free on board. Because I didn't win the million dollars, I've made it a point that I want to do some stuff around my community to empower women and to encourage them to be outside and to exercise and to push themselves. Nasir was challenged in 1959 by a local secessionist movement in the three southernmost atolls that benefited economically from the British presence on Gan. Like most other characters from the show, he has faced many fatal injuries and near-death experiences. Therefore, the duties assigned to the MNDF of maintaining surveillance over Maldives' waters and providing protection against foreign intruders poaching in the EEZ and territorial waters, are immense tasks from both logistical and economic viewpoints. He is extremely determined and will often stop at nothing to accomplish a task. 3502(8) used or operated by a Federal agency, or a contractor or other organization on behalf of the agency ( 44U.S.C. Maldivian coir was exported to Sindh, China, Yemen, and the Persian Gulf. Steiner, A. More than 80 per cent of the country's land is composed of coral islands which rise less than one metre above sea level. OMB Uniform Guidance at 2 CFR part 200 is the abbreviated title for Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards (2 CFR part 200), which supersedes OMB Circulars A-21, A-87, A-89, A-102, A-110, A-122, and A-133, and the guidance in Circular A-50 on Audit Followup. Standard NSF reporting requirements apply. Throughout his unemployed life during the episode, he tries to apply for many jobs, but is not qualified for them, as he is meant for the fry cook role at the Krusty Krab. He was designed by show creator and former marine biologist, the late Stephen Hillenburg. The plan should include an assessment of the impact that the activities of ACSER would have on the community it would serve and define the long-term vision for ACSER. These collaborations and partnerships would likely create and strengthen STEM partnerships between the U.S. mainland and Puerto Rico through personally and professionally enriching STEM experiences. Throughout the episode, SpongeBob uncontrollably moves very clumsily and eventually gets kicked out while trying to do his job at the Krusty Krab. In "A Life in a Day," Patrick's obsession with copying Larry the Lobster goes to his head and prompts him to bring SpongeBob along to perform the most extreme stunt yet: crashing into Ripper's Reef, an island consisting of stalagmites. (9) For use in part 23, see definition at 23.001. 759, repealed by Pub. under the sea. Taking into account the average lifespan of a yellow tube sponge being just over 100 years, this would make him middle-aged. Promote public engagement in STEM through education and outreach activities. The ACSER research and workforce development program portfolio might include initiatives and research activities focused on: (a) STEM disciplinary and field research, (b) STEM learning or teaching, (c) program effectiveness, (d) visitor studies, (e) public participation in scientific research, (f) science of broadening participation, (g) STEM education research, and (h) emerging research topics of interest. Stop motion "[13], When Hillenburg pitched SpongeBob to Nickelodeon in 1997, the network gave him an order: they would only produce the show if SpongeBob was a kid who went to school, like "Arnold from Hey Arnold! The Cooperative Agreement would include an extensive section of Special Conditions relating to the period of performance, detailed work description, awardee responsibilities, NSF responsibilities, joint NSF awardee responsibilities, funding and funding schedule, reporting and evaluation requirements, key personnel, and other conditions. After proposers have received an e-mail notification from NSF, should be used to check the status of an application. An alternate SpongeBob exists in a world where Plankton was successful. )[19], The Vespucci passage above applied the "New World" label to merely the continental landmass of South America. Connections Nearly all archaeological remains in the Maldives are from Buddhist stupas and monasteries, and all artefacts found to date display characteristic Buddhist iconography. The president explained his intentions: "We do not want to leave the Maldives, but we also do not want to be climate refugees living in tents for decades".[95]. There are two main variations for each medium: sub-irrigation and top irrigation[specify]. Unallowable cost means any cost that, under the provisions of any pertinent law, regulation, or contract, cannot be included in prices, cost-reimbursements, or settlements under a Government contract to which it is allocable. That's my whole plan. A third-party contractor would be responsible for overall site maintenance. The water is released over the plant's roots and then runs back into the reservoir below in a constantly recirculating system. The manufacture or furnishing of materials, articles, supplies, or equipment (whether or not a Federal or State agency acquires title to such materials, articles, supplies, or equipment during the course of the manufacture or furnishing, or owns the materials from which they are manufactured or furnished) is not "building" or "work" within the meaning of this definition unless conducted in connection with and at the site of such building or work as is described in the foregoing sentence, or under the United States Housing Act of 1937 and the Housing Act of 1949 in the construction or development of the project. They share the same culture and speak the Dhivehi language. Multi-agency contract (MAC) means a task-order or delivery-order contract established by one agency for use by Government agencies to obtain supplies and services, consistent with the Economy Act (see 17.502-2). (6) The Environmental Protection Acts and Executive orders. (10) Other information marked as "Source Selection Information-See FAR 2.101 and 3.104" based on a case-by-case determination by the head of the agency or the contracting officer, that its disclosure would jeopardize the integrity or successful completion of the Federal agency procurement to which the information relates. [57] For he became embroiled in local politics and left when his strict judgments in the laissez-faire island kingdom began to chafe with its rulers. [15], Despite initial successes, however, Gericke realized that the time was not yet ripe for the general technical application and commercial use of hydroponics for producing crops. SpongeBob in jail in the episode "Driven to Tears.". (3) The system is designated a "major system" by the head of the agency responsible for the system ( 10 U.S.C.2302 and 41 U.S.C. 1101a). Basic research means that research directed toward increasing knowledge in science. The islands have had a long history of Sufic orders, as can be seen in the history of the country such as the building of tombs. Sometimes, this is reversed, as his pupils would disappear and his irises become shrunken. (2) Service-disabled veteran means a veteran, as defined in 38 U.S.C.101(2), with a disability that is service-connected, as defined in 38 U.S.C.101(16). (2) Restrict in any way a contracting officer in the performance of any duty properly assigned. [12], Since hydroponics takes much less water and nutrients to grow produce, it could be possible in the future for people in harsh environments with little accessible water to grow their own food. Past performance means an offerors or contractors performance on active and physically completed contracts (see 4.804-4). [21] A 1504 globe, perhaps created by Leonardo da Vinci, depicts the New World sans North and Central America. Library of Congress Country Studies, "Maldives Country Review Report on the Implementation of the Brussels Programme of Action for LDCS", "UNDP: Discussion Paper Achieving Debt Sustainability and the MDGs in Small Island Developing States: The Case of the Maldives", "Republic of Maldives Tsunami: Impact and Recovery", Autocracy and Back Again: The Ordeal of the Maldives, "he Quality of Political Appointees in the Nasheed Administration", "Maldives president quits after protests", "Mohamed Nasheed, Former Maldives President, Arrested after Failing to Appear in Court", "Maldives opposition seeks India's help in jailed leader's release", Maldives President Escapes Unhurt After Explosion on Boat, Maldives declares 30-day emergency BBC News, "Majlis passes declaration to remove VP from office", "Maldives revokes state of emergency amid global outcry and tourism worries", "Adeeb returns to Maldives, arrested with quiet help from India", "Maldives High Court upholds ex-president's five-year jail sentence", "Maldives' ex-president Yameen walks free after graft conviction overturned", "Honey, I Sunk the Maldives: Environmental changes could wipe out some of the world's most well-known travel destinations", "Climate refugees in Pacific flee rising sea", "World Weather Information Service Mal", "Where climate change threatens survival", "A sinking feeling: Why is the president of the tiny Pacific island nation of Nauru so concerned about climate change? b. He says that it has been his lifelong dream to join the Krusty Krew and that only now is he "ready." And I happen to be on the losing side of it, but it's what you do with the game that you've gotten, even if it was five seconds or not. The iconic 305-meter telescope was first built as an initiative of ARPA2, and the ownership of AO was subsequently passed to NSF where it became a premier site for astronomical, atmospheric, and geospace research. Direct acquisition means a type of interagency acquisition where a requesting agency places an order directly against a servicing agencys indefinite-delivery contract. build and leverage existing and new collaborations and partnerships. While serving as prime minister during the 1940s, Didi nationalized the fish export industry. Multiple-award contract means a contract that is. (2) Set-aside awards based on competition restricted to HUBZone small business concerns. convert forms of phosphorus in the soil that are unavailable to the plant into soluble anions by decreasing soil pH, releasing phosphorus bound in chelated form that is available in a wider pH range, and mineralizing organic phosphorus.[88]. The MNDF component branches are the Coast Guard, Marine Corps, Special Forces, Service Corps, Military Police, Corps of Engineers, Special Protection Group, Medical Service, Air Wing, and the Fire and Rescue Service.