We at NKCDC recognize the historical role that race has played in our society and the ways it shapes the systems that impact our work and everyday lives. By Nathaniel Bailey. This US-based toolkit provides an overview of the ways in which stakeholders can advocate for and implement local food procurement policies in a manner that ensures the equitable improvement of local and regional food systems. New Kensington Community Development Corporation (NKCDC) provides free housing counseling to anyone in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and offers many additional resources to residents and businesses in the Kensington, Fishtown, and Port Richmond neighborhoods. Home. The Equitable Community Engagement Toolkit (i.e., the Toolkit) intends to create the conditions, so equitable forms of engagement can occur between the City and the communities we serve. This online toolkit includes 27 tools to reverse patterns of segregation and disinvestment, prevent displacement, and promote equitable revitalization. Context: As an organization we have made the intentional decision to refocus our service priorities to the area of Kensington north of Lehigh Avenue. This post focuses on the PHL Service Design Studio (SDS) and the Mayor's Office of Civic Engagement and Volunteer Service's (MOCEVS) Equitable Community Engagement Toolkit.. Equitable development Equitable development refers to a range of approaches for creating healthy, vibrant, and sustainable communities The Equitable Development Toolkit provides tools that advocates, community builders, and organizers can use to achieve diverse, mixed-income neighborhoods that provide access to opportunities for employment, education, affordable housing, and health and well-being. Related Topics . EQUITABLE DEVELOPMENT DOWNLOAD THE TOOLKIT Equitable Economic Development Defined Economic Development describes the process of growing an economy by using policies and programs to create and retain jobs, increase wealth, strengthen the tax base, and improve the economic well-being of a community. The Harold Simmons Park Equitable Development Toolkit and Implementation Roadmap ("the EDT") positions the Conservancy, the Trinity River Corridor Local Government Corporation, and public, private, and non-profit, and community partners to create and operate a park that proactively tackles prominent legacies of racial inequity in the . Authentically preserving and celebrating the landmarks, skills, industries, and people that make communities great can link the future of the community to . Developing a successful culture of inclusion requires . Strengthen our ability to become a more equitable city, and a city where development works as a tool to address our most pressing community needs. Find point of contact information for HUD's grantees. The district's continuous improvement process results in increasing equitable access. We at NKCDC recognize the historical role that race has played in our society and the ways it shapes the systems that impact our work and everyday lives. Supervisor: Katharine Rankin. Grantees and their partners should go through their own process to develop Please bear in mind that these documents were created by organizations based on their specific needs and objectives, Equitable Development Toolkit. An equitable community provides housing for people with a variety of incomes and age. The Equitable Development & Community Empowerment Toolkit is severable from the first three and final chapters of this report and can act as a standalone community resource for guidance in catalytic development projects. Monitoring neighborhood demographics and resources to measure outcomes, and 3. . They're organized under four broad categories: affordable housing, economic opportunity, health equity and place, and land use and environment. policies and corresponding procedures that are appropriate locally and that are compliant with federal, state, and local law. Link. Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Email . This toolkit describes food hubs as an emerging retail strategy that has the potential to create a more equitable food system. As regions grow and sprawl into a network of economically interdependent jurisdictions, the abandoned or disinvested communities become attractive to both residents and developers. The content was developed jointly by RMI and Emerald Cities . Struggling local businesses has led to struggling local economies. Whether we are building affordable housing or helping residents build their wealth, we pledge to promote equity, stability, and safety in all we do, with a sharp focus on those most at risk of being displaced. Resources and assistance to support HUD's community partners. 2022 AZ Health Zone. Search for a specific grantee and view itsawards, contact information, and reports, and more. A Pathway to Equitable Math Instruction is an actionable toolkit designed to support equitable access to math standards for Black, Latinx, and multilingual students in grades 6 - 8. The Equitable Economic Development Playbook kicks off a multi-year project culminating in a toolkit publication and on-the-ground technical assistance for communities to work on Equity Action Plans. This toolkit is intended to inform development projects that will result in major public or private investment in neighborhoods that Denver classifies as vulnerable to displacement. Equitable outcomes come about when smart, intentional strategies are put in place to The Toolkit looks to change how the City thinks about, plans for, and engages with Philadelphia's communities. The Equitable Development Principles & Scorecard is a tool to answer the question: "How can development repair past harms and contribute to a stronger, more inclusive and thriving community?" The social, physical, and historic landscape both defines and reflects the dominant powers in our communities. WASHINGTON - Feb. 2, 2022 - PRLog -- The International Economic Development Council (IEDC) released its Equitable Economic Development Playbook today. For questions & assistance, please contact us! The Operations Transformation Fund (OTF) blog series gives a brief overview of its projects. NAACP is offering answers. In the classic CLT model, the CLT acquires land, through purchase or donation, to develop affordable housing and other amenities, such as community centers or gardens. What is Equitable Development? Adopt an Equitable Development Approach The primary goal of citizen participation is to provide residentsespecially low- and moderate-income (LMI) residents of the community . We believe striving for racial equity is essential to fulfilling our missionworking with neighbors to strengthen communities so everyone can thrive. In this instance, the end goal is to create an equitable and community engagement process around climate change adaptation. Year of Publication. read more Policy Link Collective Equity Teams Explore collections of guided learning opportunities on a variety of topics. This 100-page toolkit is also enlightening reading for building professionals and policymakers who are waking . We challenge the systems that prevent people from reaching their potential and pave the way for long-term equitable access to opportunity. Transit oriented development (TOD) is a planning and design approach that seeks to create compact, mixed-use, pedestrian-oriented neighborhoods around new or existing public transit stations. PolicyLink. Clients: Parkdale Community Land Trust & Parkdale People's Economy. READ MORE, Visit Our Center. Objectives. Many transit advocates, planners, community-based developers, and others have embraced TOD as a strategy to create more vibrant and connected . Equity in public investment helps build and maintain vibrant, healthy and culturally diverse communities. the 11th street bridge equitable development plan in washington, d.c. proposes a holistic approach to addressing wide-ranging community needs in areas experiencing some of the highest rates of gentrification and displacement in the country. Equitable Talent Development Systems integrate the values of diversity, inclusion, cultural competency, and equity into policies and practices related to salary and benefits, recruitment, professional development, and performance assessment, among others. The Equitable Development Toolkit not only presents a strategy, but a playbook to guide key stakeholders in implementation and ensure that future investment in the NW Quadrant is equitable and inclusive. 2022 AZ Health Zone. Be the first to know! Learn through self-paced online trainings, recorded webinars, and more. Explore featured publications and browse regulations, policy guidance, toolkits, and other resources. College of Liberal and Professional Studies | School of Arts & Sciences | University of Pennsylvania. Resource Links. The end goal is to collaboratively development community education materials that will be used by NKCDC to engage community members and hopefully grow equitable development champions in our community. 1. Equitable Development Toolkit - Local Food Procurement. Sponsored by Councilmembers Rod Dembowski, Girmay Zahilay and Jeanne Kohl-Welles, the Equitable Development Initiative will serve as a guiding framework for investment and resource allocation in historically marginalized communities across King County to address the impacts of past policies that have led to inequities and displacement. Race Toolkit. Staff training is an essential component of your Equitable AI professional development program. Ends vs. Means Goals: The Path to an Equitable Community Engagement Process Around Climate Adaptation. An equitable development strategy includes three components: 1. Minority Contracting. We continue to engage with the business and arts communities in Fishtown and Kensington south of Lehigh Ave., however, NKCDCs previous efforts in this area have supported economic growth and stability which has led to a healthier and more engaged economy of small businesses. Equitable Development Toolkit. Copyright 2022 Global Policy Solutions / All Rights Reserved, Culture of Health Institute for Leadership Development, CHILD Online and In-person Trainings: Comparison of Benefits, Healthy People 2020 Health Disparities Data Widget, Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: 2015, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander National Health Interview Survey: Public Use Release Data, Developing Culturally Responsive Approaches to Serving Diverse Populations: A Resource Guide for Community-Based Organizations, EDTK: Urban Agriculture and Community Gardens. Equitable Development Tools to Mitigate Residential Displacement Due to Gentrification: Case Studies of Three Atlanta Neighborhoods. Used together, these drivers have the potential to transform systems and shift from the current trajectory of growth that marginalizes many populations and compromises the diversity that makes communities strong. Review research and community engagement done on the topic of equitable development in Kensington and other Philadelphia neighborhoods to date. UNC School of Medicine UNC Center for Health Equity Research . We would like a Fels student to compile an inventory of policy tools, community actions, strategies, etc. Equitable Development Planning - Joint Center for Housing Studies View Tool. Community Leadership Empowerment Workshop (CLEW) is a tool that amplifies the voices and power of community residents. This resource includes 27 tools to reverse patterns of segregation and disinvestment, prevent displacement, and promote equitable revitalization. Ask a basic policy or reporting system question. This toolkit is a guide throughout the phases of development from land acquisition to development. Ballot Measure Activities Resources on California law relating to use of public resources for ballot measure-related activities Equitable Development Toolkit. i GkEW7q6O(y8TzRVtVVU[^v^\/~8#F)O2Q4:PDlU(X. Equitable Economic Recovery: A Toolkit for Local Governments LISC LA The pandemic has taken an unimaginable toll on our country's small businesses - particularly those owned by women and diverse individuals. We believe striving for racial equity is essential to fulfilling our missionworking with neighbors to strengthen communities so everyone can thrive. Equitable development is an approach to creating healthy, vibrant, communities of opportunity. Equitable Development Toolkit - Allies Reaching for Community Health Equity Community Development Corporations (CDCs) have long been tasked with revitalizing vulnerable communities that have been denied investment and opportunity. Toolkit to create equity across the board, especially racial equity. 2015. Adopting an equitable development approach, 2. Keywords: toolkit. PolicyLink's Equitable Development Toolkit This comparison is part of a larger research effort that will inform additional tools and resources for the architecture profession . that support equitable practices and outcomes in land development. The purpose of the toolkit is to support staff and students at ACU members in the development, delivery, and sustainability of equitable partnerships in international higher education, thus contributing to addressing imbalances within global higher education. The Texas Equity Toolkit has been designed to mirror a continuous improvement process with the hope that this structure allows for three things to occur: The equity planning process fits within a district's annual continuous improvement process. All rights reserved. Identify specific "tools" for the toolkit aimed at two identified audiences: 1. developers, property owners and policymakers, 2. 2022 US Department of Housing and Urban Development. This toolkit-known as the EDTK-features a suite of 27 tools and links to reverse patterns of segregation and disinvestment, prevent displacement, and promote equitable revitalization. Final deliverables will be determined collaboratively with our Fels Lab student partner. Equitable Development Toolkit (HTML) End goals define outcomes where you are unwilling to compromise they describe exactly what you want. The Fels Institute of Government 3814 Walnut St.Philadelphia, PA 19104, (215) 898-7326 felsinstitute@sas.upenn.edu, New Kensington Community Development Corporation. We invite school leaders, educators, and advocates to join us at these virtual opportunities to dive deeper into each of the toolkit strides. Affordable Housing. This online toolkit -- referred to as EDTK -- includes 27 tools to reverse patterns of segregation and disinvestment, prevent displacement, and promote equitable revitalization. The CLT sells homes at below-market rates to low- and moderate-income families, while the CLT leases the land to the owner on a long-term basis. Developed by members of the Centering Equity in the Sustainable Building Sector (CESBS) Initiative, NAACP's Guidelines for Equitable Community Involvement in Building & Development Projects and Policies is a deep toolkit of explainers, principles, tips and tactics for everyone seeking to bring justice and equity to buildings and development. See our interactive map for a location near you, NEW Staying Active, Healthy and Connected During COVID-19, NEW Try These 6 Activities That Are Good For Your Mood, NEW 5 Myths about Exercise that Will Inspire You to Keep Going and Stay Motivated, NEW Four Ways to Save Money and Feed Your Family Tasty Meals, NEW Use These Tips to Be Safe on Arizona Trails. NKCDC advances social equity & economic empowerment by nurturing and creating opportunities for residents to live and actively shape their neighborhoods of choice. Workshop in Planning Practice . Bringing together the best policy innovations developed by communities to expand access to affordable housing, avoid gentrification and . This online toolkit includes 27 tools, created between 2001 and 2017, aimed at reversing patterns of segregation and disinvestment, preventing displacement, and promoting equitable revitalization. This toolkit-known as the EDTK-features a suite of 27 tools and links to reverse patterns of segregation and disinvestment, prevent displacement, and promote equitable revitalization. This project will support NKCDCs capacity to; advocate for equitable development within our service area and Philadelphia as a whole; share information that will allow for residents and other community members to increase their own capacity for advocacy and organizing around development concerns. Equitable Development Toolkit: Local Food Procurement. We challenge the systems that prevent people from reaching their potential and pave the way for long-term equitable access to opportunity. The major outcome of this cohort's work is a toolkit for equitable grant making drawn from the lived experiences of each of the cohort member and our organizations. College of Liberal and Professional Studies, Executive Master of Public Administration, Fels and the 2020 Election: Conducting Elections Amidst a Pandemic, Fels welcomed Marty Baron to the Public Policy in Practice speaker series, Fels welcomes COVID vaccine pioneers Dr. Katalin Karik and Dr. Drew Weissman, Fels welcomes David Gergen for the Public Policy in Practice speaker series, Fels welcomes Karen Richardson for the Public Policy in Practice speaker series, Fels welcomes Paul Monteiro for the Public Policy in Practice speaker series, Fels welcomes Richard Cordray for the Public Policy in Practice speaker series, Fels welcomes Sarah Hurwitz for the Public Policy in Practice speaker series, Fels welcomes Senator Elizabeth Warren for the Public Policy in Practice speaker series, Fels welcomes Susan Urahn for the Public Policy in Practice speaker series, Govern for America joins Fels as an admissions partner organization, Matthew Stitt (MPA 12) Appointed as Fels Distinguished Fellow with Focus on Racial Equity and Social Justice. . With our constituents, we work to make community development a force that benefits and is directed by the diverse communities we serve. Like other elements of staff training on disability inclusion, putting these structures in place helps ensure all employees understand their organization's vision, policies, initiative structure, and resources for implementing equitable AI. This study uses Policy Link's Equitable Development Toolkit (2008) as a model for evaluating the City of Atlanta's efforts to reduce residential displacement due to gentrification. Equity Scorecards Community Asset Mapping Community Needs Assessment Equitable Development Plans Empiricial Studies of Green Displacement Equitable Mobility Master Plan Draft Equitable Development Toolkit . About the Toolkit Equitable development is an approach to creating healthy, vibrant, communities of opportunity. Equitable Development Toolkit: Farmers Markets. %PDF-1.6 % Developed by Seabourne Consulting, experts in Equitable Development Toolkit. Development trend #1: Regional development patterns play a significant role in gentrification and displacement in particular neighborhoods. This past summer, educators from Illinois joined teachers from around the country in a four-day institute hosted by the Civic Engagement Research Group at the University of California-Riverside and the Center for Information and Research on Civic Learning and Engagement at the Jonathan M. Tisch College of Civic Life at Tufts University.The purpose of the summer institute was to learn how to . The toolkit and its chapters will be disseminated in both print and digital form and will be complemented by webinars, conference sessions, and . Stay Tuned! March 28, 2018. there are some important key elements that make this work possible in urban waters settings: (1) understanding, equity, displacement and green gentrification , (2) considering the historical context of communities , (3) practicing community-centered education and engagement , (4) designing equitable development plans , and (5) creating Disclaimer: All peer approved resources shared on the HUD Exchange have been provided by the organization that developed them. Find answers to frequently asked questions. Equitable Development Toolkit. Sections of this toolkit explore: the definition and the . It is a nine-session course that focuses on the following key areas: personal leadership, community organizing, and understanding the urban planning process. The documents have not been reviewed by HUD or its contractors for applicability, legality, or compliance with federal statutory and regulatory guidelines. The Equitable Development Data Explorer is a new interactive resource that equips New Yorkers with data to navigate challenging conversations about housing affordability, displacement, and racial equity in our city. Equitable outcomes come about when smart, intentional strategies are put in place to ensure that everyone can participate in and benefit from decisions that shape their neighborhoods and regions. The Playbook examines structural racism in economic development and promotes equitable practices and standards, both in the post-pandemic recovery and over the long term. RE-Tool: Racial Equity in the Panel Process. The group's first publication in a series called Guidelines for Equitable Community Involvement in Building & Development Projects and Policies is designed to help community members advocate for themselves. Equitable Development Toolkit Equitable development is an approach to creating healthy, vibrant, communities of opportunity. Publication: Schools, universities, hospitals cities' new allies to change the food system equitable development toolkit . Learn about what HUD grantees are doing across the nation. Organization. Equitable Development Toolkit: Equitable Food Hubs This toolkit describes food hubs as an emerging retail strategy that has the potential to create a more equitable food system. Go to the Equitable Data Development Explorer Data and Research All rights reserved. We use a strategic combination of real estate development, community engagement, and people-centered direct services to ensure all of our neighbors can remainand thrivewhere they choose to live. While communities aren't monolithic, our early research indicated that there are four communities that are often not engaged by the City. 5544 0 obj <>stream Ballot Measures and Campaigns. 24 neighborhoods in the city's ward 6, which includes capitol hill, navy yard, and southwest waterfront, Equitable Grading Along with equitable assignment design, faculty can grade students equitably on the basis of their learning and performance, and without allowing factors such as race, ethnicity, socio-economic status, abilities, rural/urban location, or internet access to influence grades. Find award and allocation amounts for grantees by year, program, and state.