Tailgating is the act of following another car too closely. A: Be attentive. So do not be this type of tailgater, otherwise you will deeply regret what you did. There is no need to answer back or retaliate if a tailgater yells at you. As BC Driving Lawyers, we would suggest that all BC drivers do their part to keep a safe distance from vehicles ahead. Tailgating is a common cause of traffic crashes. Counting these numbers takes approximately three seconds. In most U.S. states, it is illegal to tailgate a car. Your brakelights are what the tailgater is looking for, and if you slow down any other way they may not be able to react. C. Hold your line. 5 Maintain a constant speed. There isnt a specific distance that defines following as tailgating, its based more on your comfort level and the probability of having an accident. By signing up you are agreeing to receive emails according to our privacy policy. They may then slam on their own brakes and cause a chain reaction behind them, resulting in an accident. Tailgating. Tailgating driving is when a driver drives behind another vehicle while not leaving sufficient distance to stop without causing a collision if the vehicle in front stops suddenly. If you were in a rear-end collision, or are being accused of tailgating or following too closely, give us a call at 604-608-1200. If it's safe, just pull to the side of the road and allow whomever was following you to pass. His articles provide detailed DIY instructions and how-tos to help you get your new car on the road. If youre in the left lane and theres an open lane next to you, move over so they can pass. Both are punishable by law with fines, court appearances, and even imprisonment in the most severe cases. For these cases, South Carolina uses modified contributory negligence to decide who is liable. View complete answer on quizlet.com When a vehicle is tailgating you should? Tailgating can be aggravating, but resist the urge to retaliate or act aggressively. Most tailgaters are just impatient drivers wanting to speed by, and they might back off or at least not get worse if you signal that you are trying to move out of their way. Remaining calm also ensures youre able to stay in control of your vehicle and avoid causing an accident. It seems illogic but deeply you can keep the safe distance with the tailgaters. tailgating is the main cause of rear-end crashes. If he really is in a hurry, he will most likely change to another lane or overtake you and then speed off. They will pass you. Why do so many drivers tailgate? "I already knew this, but it is good that you mention that one must take care when moving to the right to let a, "General tips on tailgaters was helpful. It's considered dangerous because it gives the driver less time to react if the vehicle in front of them brakes suddenly. Do not slam on your brakes or swerve into the next lane. We use cookies to make wikiHow great. If another driver attempts to pass you on an unsafe part of the road, slow down. In Texas, you can call 800-525-5555 to report dangerous or intoxicated drivers. A wrong moment can cause a crash, minor consequence can be small damage to the cars, but the serious consequence can be continuously stabbing and may kill people. On some big streets, there are many lanes to drive, so you can move to other lanes if you find that the tailgaters keep following you. ", http://www.motorcyclistonline.com/6-riding-tips-for-dealing-with-tailgaters, Gestire Chi nel Traffico si Avvicina Troppo alla Tua Vettura, , , grer un chauffeur trop collant sur la route. Accurate Auto Insurance is committed to helping you and your family stay safe on the road. Avoid tailgaters when possible by changing lanes. Your brakelights are what the tailgater is looking for, and if you slow down any other way they may not be able to react. If you spot someone driving dangerously close to another car up ahead or in a lane beside yours, look for a clearing in traffic so you can stay as far away as possible. Another way to deal with tailgating is to keep your speed consistent and avoid braking. When one driver follows another so closely that there is little time to react, this action puts both drivers and those around them at risk of an accident. Regardless of your speed, try to remain at least 3 seconds behind the vehicle in front of you. Youre driving down the road, minding your own business, when you suddenly notice the car behind you is getting uncomfortably close. For many years, our South Carolina personal injury law firm has been listed with an AV rating in the prestigious Martindale-Hubbell legal directory. Along with the crowded street, cars follow cars especially in the rush hours and on the small streets. So what is the two seconds rule? You can also find another road to go to your destination to avoid the tailgater. When one driver follows another so closely that there is little time to react, this action puts both drivers and those around them at risk of an accident. Instead, stay calm, concentrate on driving safely, and try to get out of their way. The second possible reason is the crowded traffic. Or worse, they could have a case of road rage. Speed up. We have all experienced it, and it is definitely an uncomfortable situation for the leading driver. What can you do to stay safe if you spot a potentially aggressive driver on the road? It's safer to have the tailgater in front of you than right behind you. If you are being tailgated, leave more space between you and the vehicle in front of you. When drivers have to stop abruptly, tailgaters . By using our site, you agree to our. Accidents can happen anywhere on the street and do not contribute any damage to you and other people. Tailgating is a form of aggressive driving that can lead to rear-end collisions and even multi-car accidents. I was sick of being forced to travel faster than I wanted to. Its unlikely that you would be considered at fault if someone rear-ends you while tailgating. When they see a truck ahead, theyll likely prepare themselves to pass it. And remember to not become a tailgater yourself. You can be ticketed for tailgating. The Law Office of Jason R. Schultz, P.C. If you feel there is a driver who is following you too closely, you can try a number of things to resolve the situation and make things safer. If your car passes the fixed point before you finish counting, you are too close, and youll need to increase the distance between you and the car in front. Do not attempt this on a major, multi-lane highway as it may be difficult to merge back into traffic later or the shoulder may not be wide enough. Additionally, if you pull over, you can report the incident directly to the police. Tailgating means you're not keeping a safe distance between your vehicle and the vehicle in front. Your tips are good ones, and helped me to handle it. Gradually slow down . The first reason behind can be the lack of driving experience. Don't increase your speed in an attempt to appease or outdistance the tailgater. When another driver follows too closely behind you (also known as tailgating), they fail to provide enough distance to stop safely, potentially leading to a rear-end accident if you suddenly need to slow down or stop. Dont purposely change your speed just to annoy the person who is tailgating you. According to a study from Drivecam, Inc., a global driver risk management company, drivers are at the highest risk of rear-ending a vehicle when they are following less than 2 seconds behind the vehicle in front of them. Since this bad habit is so widespread across the state, its helpful to understand what to do if someone is tailgating you on the road to avoid an injury accident or road rage incident. Matsumoto Naoki is senior car blogger at Car From Japan. Tailgating is by far one of the most dangerous habits a driver can pick up. Call our offices today to schedule a free consultation. If you need to slow down then do so early and slowly, and don't use the engine to slow down, ensure you're on the brakes. They might have deliberate intent to hit, aggravate, or intimidate you. Here is the way to calculate the two second rule. Turn the radio down or off if it helps you to concentrate and calm down. The hazards of tailgating-related collisions are often underestimated. It may even be simply someone who doesn't understand the dynamics of following closely. Being in a car accident may cause your auto insurance carrier to raise your premium, the, A blanket of autumn leaves in your yard may look picture-perfect. The Florida Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles ( FHSMV ) reported that there were up to 400,000 car accidents in the year 2019, and tailgating is one of the leading causes. Dont speed up to make them happy if it means breaking the speed limit. They likely a. So we already introduced to you the four types of tailgaters. So, what is tailgating, why do people tailgate and how to stop tailgaters, check this article to know! However, this tactic is extremely dangerous and could escalate the situation. Expert Interview. . In other cases, there is no chance for you to change the lane, just simply find somewhere to pull off the road until the tailgater passes you. The legislation sets out that each driver must travel a sufficient distance behind another vehicle so that the driver can, if necessary, stop safely to avoid a collision. Faster than 3-5 seconds will not solve any problem, so keeping a safe distance when driving will save your car, your life and other lifes. Remember, if someone is following too close, dont brake-check them and dont get angry. What to do if a driver is tailgating you? Since most state laws don't specify a standard safe distance between two vehicles, tailgating can be open to interpretation. you could have an enraged maniac on your tail, a psychopath, a calculating bully, an overly intimate fellow traveller, or evan a doctor on the way to an emergency. While it would technically be the fault of the driver behind you, if you got into an accident, its still your car thats been hit and damaged. If someone is tailgating you, you may want to call the police. If another driver is tailgating you, it's safer to stay in your lane and let him or her go to the next. Other times, it can be the result of violent road rage incidents and vehicular intimidation. On the motorway, change to a slower lane as soon as it's safe to do so. Remember to get as many details about the vehicle as you can, such as make, model, and color. It can be tempting to get angry at the driver following too close, but losing your temper will only make the situation worse. Fill out the quick contact form below for a fast and free case consultation. Pay extra attention to your driving until youve been able to remove yourself from the situation. If a car comes up on you suddenly while youre in the fast lane, dont immediately pull into the middle or curb lane without first checking that the other driver isnt also going to do this. This rule is intended for automobiles but may also apply for other vehicles. But rather than stopping doing it, they continue tailgating driving. Their insurance is responsible for paying out damages, and you can pursue a claim against the driver to recover accident-related costs like medical bills, property damages, and lost wages. If another driver tailgates you, change lanes and let the driver pass. They were studying about tailgating but they are too confident since they have never faced it before. This gives . The driver is approximately 1.5 seconds behind the vehicle ahead and is not increasing that distance. If the situation becomes too dangerous or stressful, pull over to the side of the road and let the tailgater pass. If you need to brake for real at some point, the driver behind you may not react at all. Let Them Pass. A rear-end collision can result in severe injuries for the occupants of all vehicles involved. In fact, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), aggressive driving is one of the leading causes of accidents in the United States. It's safer to have the tailgater in front of you than right behind you. wants to make sure you know your rights to compensation for injuries sustained in a car accident. Don't slam on the brakes for no reason - and certainly not to be spiteful . The safe distance for each country is different but in general, the driver should keep a distance greater than half of the speed in meters or a time gap of two seconds. "If someone witnesses serious driving danger, we ask that you record the licence plate number, pull over to a . Give them the opportunity to pass by moving left, if appropriate. 1. Keep Your Fleet Drivers Safe on the Road with these eLearning courses: Tailgating Awareness Small Vehicles Tailgating Awareness Large Vehicles When traveling at 30, 35 or 40 mph, you should also increase your following distance if the road conditions are not ideal. The rule is that a driver should ideally stay at least two seconds behind any vehicle that is directly in front of his or her vehicle. What should you do if you encounter an aggressive driver? The measure of safe distance depends on the speed at which you are travelling, visibility and other road conditions. Always remember to signal your intention of pulling over in advance of actually pulling over. Driving closely behind another car is a dangerous situation known as tailgating, and its important to understand how to handle it. Drivers tailgate for many reasons: sometimes, they're in a hurry. The reality of driving is that the full range of human emotions and rationalizations is involved. "We live in a rural area, and it seems everyone speeds on these country roads. If youre following the truck, theyll pass you as well before theyre able to tailgate you. . So being extra cautious at that point is critical. The National Highway Traffic, A frightening trend is occurring across the country a steep increase in injuries and deaths caused by distracted driving accidents. Simply put, tailgating is illegal. The brakes have not been applied brakes for at least 4 seconds. Here are five of them. You should keep a distance of between 2-3 seconds of time between you and the car in front of you. We know that you are really angry if someone tailgates you on the street. ", tailgater pass, as he may be about to pass you on the right. It is never a good idea to teach tailgaters a lesson. Its not up to you to teach other people how to drive. What is a good response to a tailgating driver? All rights reserved. If the court finds that you are more than 50% responsible for the cause of the crash, you cannot seek damages against the other driver. If that interaction ends in a rear-end collision, you may incur expensive medical bills and lost wages. Tailgating can also be caused by drunk driving, as the driver may be too impaired to realize how closely theyre following. The short answer is yes, tailgating is considered illegal in most US states. Unfortunately, its also a very common behavior on the streets today. In a recent report described as one of the most comprehensive examinations to date of how to reduce distracted, Many people who have been in car accidents understand that the long-term effects of an accident can be just as costly as immediate losses. It takes a vehicle traveling at 60 mph a minimum of 240 feet to come to a full safe stop. Ibrahim Onerli. These behaviors are only annoying, and tailgaters might take them as signs of aggression. Report the driver. And keep in mind that you can handle tailgaters so do not become tailgater yourself. If you sustained an injury or any other damages in a car accident caused by another driver who was tailgating you, then you should consider filing a personal injury claim. When you encounter an aggressive driver tailgating you should? Prior to Car From Japan, Matsumoto was Mechanical Design Engineer at Yajima Plant, Subaru Corporation. Signal Lights-Always use your signals when changing lanes, and avoid changing lanes too close to the other vehicles. As much as it may be tempting to try and put some space between you and the car in front of your car, you dont want to create the same situation for the car in front. View complete answer on quizlet.com Should you keep an aggressive driver behind you? Lots of sudden curves in roads. Keeping a safe distance from the vehicle in front gives you time to react and stop if necessary. There is a recommended safe following distance which varies with speed and is indicated by time: the two-second rule. Keep your distance. B. It may cause danger for the car in front of you and potentially, you will be tailgater. Remain alert to other drivers' behaviors on the road. We can't control another driver's behavior, we can only take actions to remove ourselves from the dangerous situation. Dont make sudden movements or change lanes without signaling firstthis could startle the other driver and cause an accident. In Ontario, it's four demerits and a fine between $60 and $500. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, close to a third of all rear-end crashes in 2019 injured at least one person, and 7.1% proved fatal. However, proving that another driver is tailgating you can be complicated. The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety reported that 33% of South Carolinians killed in car accidents had a blood-alcohol concentration (BAC) of 0.08% or greater. As long as you were able to count to 3, youre following at a safe distance. Driving Instructor. Use the pull-out to be polite to other drivers and allow them to get around you and continue on to their destination unimpeded. Tailgating is the action of a driver driving behind another vehicle while not leaving sufficient distance to stop without . Ask a Lawyer, South Carolina Personal Injury Awards & Settlements, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 33% of South Carolinians killed in car accidents, How Pedestrians Can Stay Safe and Seen by Cars After Dark, Fatal Accidents on the Rise Due to Distracted Driving in South Carolina. 2022 Accurate Auto Insurance. The first 60 feet is the time it takes you to realize that you need to stop, and the next 180 feet is for the vehicle to completely stop. Regardless of who you think was at fault, call us at 404-474-0804 for a free consultation to learn about your legal options. A new driver usually does not know what is called tailgating and how bad it is. Imagine you are on a street with 2 lanes and it is rush hour. An overwhelmed driver becomes a dangerous driver and makes you as much of a threat to the other drivers as the tailgater. Tailgating is driving behind someone too closely. If you are driving the car that is being tailgated, there are several things you can do. Since they are aware of the dangers of tailgating, they may try to stay ready for sudden braking in front of them and pay close attention to their driving while tailgating. These types of tailgaters know that tailgating is dangerous and should not be done on the street. Not only is this dangerous, but it could make you partially at fault for the accident if the tailgater hits you. If there is no other lanes and you feel discomfort you can always carefully stop at the side of the road and let the other car pass you by so you could then continue your ride safely. However, if you appeal the matter to court, you can be subject to a maximum fine of $2,200. Since they are aware of the dangers of tailgating, they may try to stay ready for sudden braking in front of them and pay close attention to their driving while tailgating. In a tailgating case, the other driver may claim you acted aggressively by slamming on your brakes. If you suspect that the driver tailgating you is under the influence of substances or trying to aggravate or harm you, call the police or have a passenger do so. The safe distance for each country is different but in general, the driver should keep a distance greater than half of the speed in meters or a time gap of two seconds. Increase the distance between you and the vehicle ahead. Tailgating means youre not keeping a safe distance between your vehicle and the vehicle in front. The "Three-Second Rule" can be used to avoid tailgating. Speed up. As such, a tailgating conviction can easily trigger a yearly surcharge (at 6+ points) or . The traffic around you is driving 75mph. Or, maybe they've developed the bad habit of following too closely and don't even notice anymore. Its always better to pull over and let the driver go around you rather than risk getting into an accident. The truck is also big enough for other drivers to see it from a distance. Brake checking is the act of abruptly hitting the brakes to tell the tailgating driver to back off. Because theyve encountered someone in their own lane, they may decide to pass you on the right. How Long Does an Accident Stay on Your Driving Record in South Carolina. For more information, call 03330 113 113 or email contactus@ttc-uk.com. Start counting when the car in front of you passes that spot (e.g. Tailgating or following too closely behind another car is dangerous behavior, and often a form of road rage. Our Dallas car accident lawyers at The Lenahan Law Firm can assist you by investigating your accident, securing evidence, assessing your damages, preparing your case, negotiating with insurance companies, and fighting for the compensation you deserve in court, if necessary. If youre not on a multi-lane road, or the driver wont let up even after youve moved over, the best thing to do is drive at the speed limit until they pass you. It's always better to pull over and let the driver go around you rather than risk getting into an accident. Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read 373,164 times. My answer is no. There are a few possible explanations. Knowing what they are doing does not mean they will not face the potentially dangerous situation. . You are following too closely if you follow the same point. Continue on to move to an unsafe distance de-escalate the problem your brakes suddenly in an accident of safe with. Situations the passing lane is not learning how to master good driving etiquette, keep reading than! Close distance, pick a spot ahead of you to have the tailgater look more what. Car too closely and gets out of his car, remain calm with the tailgaters someone in their brakes! 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