That's fine. Card payments collected by DeltaQuest Media Limited, company no. Create your personal profile and manage offers free of charge, On a recent trip to the beautiful Grand Bazaar in Istanbul, Turkey I was impressed to see the stall owners switch effortlessly from one language to another as they greeted customers from different countries. The purpose of performance feedback is to help the employee improve their skills and work better in the future. The major benefit of teams is they are able to achieve more than an individual would on their own. Natasha is a career and future of work expert with six years' experience in the EdTech/SaaS sector. Trustworthy people at work always keep their values in mind. An employer needs to be able to trust their employees to get their work done. Tailor your resume by picking relevant responsibilities from the examples below and then add your accomplishments. He consistently updates colleagues on what is going on within the company. Whichevercareer trajectory you choose, being reliable and having a strong work ethic can help you navigate the transition more easily. He consistently performs at or above expectations. In this article you will find performance review examples for the following skills: Each section below contains positive (Meets or Exceeds Expectations) and negative (Below Expectations) examples for the skills listed above. In addition to aiding in the simple functions of being a team member in any field, reliable employees often go above and beyond the call of duty. Examples of Dependability in the Workplace Punctuality. Define reliable. Is supportive and encourages others to work with him. Synonyms: Accuracy, Honesty, Loyalty, Security, Constancy. The best strategy is to include targeted phrases that energize an employee to keep up the good work in key areas, while also encouraging employees to focus more carefully on the quality and quantity of their work where needed.\nPerformance levels\nExceptional: Consistently exceeds expectations\n\n Finds the most effective ways to get the job done\n \n Creates new strategies to improve performance\n \n Improves the performance of others\n \n Focuses abundant energy and effort on the job\n \n Targets efforts for maximum results, and then achieves them\n \n Is motivated to perform at a superior level\n \n Maintains the highest personal performance standards\n \n Is clearly superior in every measurable area of performance\n \n Expects and attains outstanding results\n \n Serves as a highly positive role model in all performance areas\n \n Took a virtually impossible assignment and turned it into a major winner\n \n Set a new high-water mark on the XYZ project\n \n Grabs the brass ring on every project\n \n Dazzles senior management\n \n\nExcellent: Frequently exceeds expectations\n\n Comes to work ready to excel\n \n Sets high personal performance expectations\n \n Relentlessly pursues outstanding outcomes\n \n Expects more and gets it\n \n Refuses to settle for status-quo performance\n \n Does not know the word average\n \n Is energized by the prospect of achieving challenging goals\n \n Prioritizes work for maximum results\n \n Has a compelling can-do attitude\n \n Is undaunted by difficult challenges, tough obstacles, or frustrating events\n \n Plans to succeed and does so\n \n Bounces back from setbacks\n \n Is frequently mentioned by name whenever the topic of outstanding performance comes up\n \n Keeps pushing until the desired outcomes are achieved\n \n Jump-starts stalled projects\n \n Takes great pride not only in meeting goals but in surpassing them\n \n\nFully competent: Meets expectations\n\n Is open to new strategies to improve results\n \n Has visibly improved her performance levels\n \n Is steadily upgrading every performance area\n \n Actively seeks strategies to improve performance\n \n Can be counted on for solid performance\n \n Focuses his priorities on maximum effectiveness and success\n \n Maintains focus on the main event\n \n Takes feedback to heart and strives to improve\n \n Focuses on work, not on the clock\n \n Is a stable and consistent performer\n \n Is very interested in suggestions to build performance\n \n Effectively focuses her energy on the job\n \n\nMarginal: Occasionally fails to meet expectations\n\n Is satisfied with his current performance, despite the fact that it isnt satisfactory\n \n Prefers to slip under the bar instead of leaping over it\n \n Can be sidetracked by minor obstacles and challenges\n \n Is tolerant of mediocre performance\n \n Regards performance measures as unfair\n \n Has an inflated view of her own work\n \n Insists that improvements in performance are coming soon\n \n Feels that others are intentionally trying to make him look bad\n \n Spends more time as a spectator than as a participant\n \n Comes up short on long-term projects\n \n Spends time on low-priority projects\n \n Is primarily interested in things that have little to do with work\n \n Is rarely around when its time for heavy lifting\n \n Does C-level work on A-level projects\n \n Misunderstands the priorities of the job\n \n\nUnsatisfactory: Consistently fails to meet expectations\n\n Attributes performance problems to other people or circumstances\n \n Fails to take responsibility for her failures\n \n Has received complaints from customers\n \n Has received complaints from management\n \n Has displayed performance levels that have been declining\n \n Talks the performance talk, but does not walk the walk\n \n Has fallen into a habit of questionable performance\n \n Spends more time socializing than working\n \n Shows little interest or motivation in upgrading performance\n \n Doesnt pay enough attention to the work that needs to be done\n \n Expects others to carry the load\n \n Regards goals as suggestions\n \n Always seeks the easy way out\n \n Is unwilling to accept feedback and guidance\n \n Steps back when its time to step up\n \n\nSetting priorities\nExceptional: Consistently exceeds expectations\n\n Understands and resolves A-level matters before B-level and C-level matters\n \n Uses sound judgment and insights when rank-ordering projects\n \n Serves as a valuable resource to determine the role and priority of totally different tasks\n \n Always knows which projects belong at the top of the list and which belong at the bottom\n \n Easily and quickly singles out low-priority tasks\n \n Clarifies priorities for employees at any job level\n \n Prevents others from pursuing minor projects that superficially appear to be important\n \n Quickly and accurately calibrates project priorities\n \n\nExcellent: Frequently exceeds expectations\n\n Is keenly aware of the subtleties that make one project more important than another\n \n Places work priorities over personal priorities\n \n Adapts his workload and priorities to meet workplace demands\n \n Breaks projects into logical pieces to make sure that top priorities are handled first\n \n Is able to set priorities when under great pressure\n \n Tackles high-value projects first\n \n Targets efforts on tasks with the largest payoff\n \n Uses multi-tasking to handle low-priority items\n \n\nFully competent: Meets expectations\n\n Understands priorities and how to establish them\n \n Discusses priorities when there is confusion\n \n Is unafraid to ask questions about priorities\n \n Shifts priorities as needed\n \n Clarifies and then correctly handles competing priorities\n \n Is very cognizant of priorities and adjusts focus as necessary\n \n Reviews priorities before starting tasks\n \n\nMarginal: Occasionally fails to meet expectations\n\n Confuses priorities with preferences\n \n Starts working before prioritizing\n \n Uses inappropriate criteria in determining what to do first\n \n Leaves major projects until the end\n \n Argues over priorities\n \n Decides on priorities and rigidly sticks to them, even when situations call for flexibility\n \n Sees unessential matters as essential and vice versa\n \n Lacks insight into her own ability to handle priorities\n \n Is easily sidetracked by low-value tasks\n \n\nUnsatisfactory: Consistently fails to meet expectations\n\n Ignores priorities of assigned projects\n \n Treats all assignments as having essentially the same priorities\n \n Places no priority on setting priorities\n \n Randomly prioritizes assignments\n \n Works on lowest priorities first\n \n Sees only the small picture\n \n Spends too much time on low-level priorities and too little time on major priorities\n \n Wallows in trivial matters\n \n","item_vector":null},"titleHighlight":null,"descriptionHighlights":null,"headers":null,"categoryList":["business-careers-money","business","human-resources"],"title":"Employee Appraisal Phrases: Performance Levels and Setting Priorities","slug":"employee-appraisal-phrases-performance-levels-and-setting-priorities","articleId":190296},{"objectType":"article","id":190325,"data":{"title":"Employee Appraisal Phrases: Growth and Development","slug":"employee-appraisal-phrases-growth-and-development","update_time":"2016-03-26T21:00:12+00:00","object_type":"article","image":null,"breadcrumbs":[{"name":"Business, Careers, & Money","slug":"business-careers-money","categoryId":34224},{"name":"Business","slug":"business","categoryId":34225},{"name":"Human Resources","slug":"human-resources","categoryId":34241}],"description":"One of the major objectives of performance appraisals is to provide employees with targeted feedback and guidance to help them learn, grow, and develop. We are all busy people with family, personal and professional duties to be respected. Be objective in considering facts or situations. He discourages gossip or other negative discourse at the workplace. He abides by both the letter and the spirit of the rules. An honest person will say "you know what, I changed my mind!". If you are running late, please call ahead to let us know. I was also placed in what was termed the "Reliability Program." This program evaluated you on a daily basis. Overarching positive comments about super attitudes provide no information regarding behaviors for an employee to continue, while overarching negative comments about terrible attitudes provide no information regarding behaviors for the employee to eliminate. He has show several recent lapses in integrity. He only makes a decision after considering it carefully. Taking initiative. He does everything possible to maintain a strong and steady performance in all circumstances. 3) Take their work seriously, 4) be helpful and do more than what is solely on their job description to do, and so much more. address: The He is a very honest person. What are examples of reliability in the workplace? So, the goal of performance feedback is to help the employee improve: performance feedback should be specific, objective, and actionable. But, a dependable employees performance extends past this definition. Since a resume is an initial introduction to a job applicant, this is where youll want to showcase your reliability qualities. He was well liked, consistent and reliable. The most common characteristic among reliable people is that their word is gold. I was shocked. In difficult situations, managers tend to turn to the most reliable person at work because theyre willing to adapt and take on a challenge. He always understands problem thoroughly and tries to find different solutions. His investigative skills has provided a key resource for a team focused on solving glitches. 4. Example: It's the day before the trade show, and Helena realises that some of the equipment will arrive late because she initially typed the wrong date for delivery. But for this data to be of any use, the tests must possess certain properties like reliability and validity, that ensure unbiased, accurate, and authentic results. Environment - use conditions and profile details. To learn how to manage your schedule more reliably, focus on these points: Proactivity means acting in time, anticipating any future changes or obstacles. You might ask yourself: "what made me decide to read this article?". Lack of accountability is when employees arrive late at work, for a meeting or submitting work late. What is validity and reliability in research examples? For this reason, your time is just as valuable as that of the people you deal with. Cheating is dishonest while following the rules is honest. The most reliable employees are eventually given leadership opportunities. Reliability is one of the most fundamental and crucial qualities that an employee can possess. Most people are aware of the damages that ethical shortcomings can wreak on a company, but many people dont realize that a strong performance appraisal system can play a critical preventive role.\nFairness\nExceptional: Consistently exceeds expectations\n\n Places major importance on fair treatment of all employees\n \n Has a solid reputation as a fair and equitable leader\n \n Has helped others truly understand fairness and how to implement it\n \n Has made significant changes in polices and programs to eliminate unfair elements\n \n Has a strong sense of fairness that is apparent in all decisions that he makes\n \n Keeps fairness at the core of her decision making\n \n Takes immediate action to remedy inequitable situations\n \n\nExcellent: Frequently exceeds expectations\n\n Treats all of his employees in a fair and just manner\n \n Regards fairness as one of the most important criteria in all of her decision making\n \n Leads a department that is widely regarded as a bastion of fairness\n \n Listens carefully to employees concerns about fairness, and takes corrective actions where warranted\n \n Clearly communicates standards and expectations regarding equitable treatment of all employees\n \n Has a great deal of expertise on legal guidelines regarding equitable treatment of employees\n \n\nFully competent: Meets expectations\n\n Ascertains that all employees are treated fairly\n \n Takes prompt action to counsel employees who engage in unfair behaviors\n \n Has obtained training that specifically focused on equity in the workplace\n \n Provides employees with ongoing coaching to increase their understanding of the role and importance of fairness at work\n \n Keeps employees fully aware of company standards, expectations, and values regarding fair treatment\n \n Has widened the reach of many programs to provide fair access for all employees\n \n\nMarginal: Occasionally fails to meet expectations\n\n Has been advised of his unfair behaviors, but continues to repeat them\n \n Implements activities and programs without adequate consideration of their fairness\n \n Provides inadequate attention to inequities in the workplace\n \n Treats workplace inequities as minor matters that do not require prompt attention\n \n Treats the symptoms of unfair treatment, instead of treating the causes\n \n Makes pronouncements about fairness on the job, but does not take action when issues arise\n \n\nUnsatisfactory: Consistently fails to meet expectations\n\n Plays favorites\n \n Rationalizes that unfair treatment will make employees stronger\n \n Treats employees unfairly, which has led to formal complaints\n \n Is unresponsive to employees concerns regarding unfair treatment\n \n Reprimands employees who voice concern about inequities at work\n \n Makes decisions without considering how fair or unfair they may be\n \n Is unconcerned about the unfair impact of her actions\n \n\nHonesty\nExceptional: Consistently exceeds expectations\n\n Is 100 percent trustworthy\n \n Is widely respected for his honesty\n \n Is regarded as totally credible by all who work with her\n \n Completes projects that are based on honest data gathering and analysis\n \n Is above-board, straightforward, and candid\n \n Displays intellectual honesty in all aspects of his work\n \n Is the go-to person for honest answers and opinions\n \n Signs off on projects only when the work is 100 percent reliable\n \n\nExcellent: Frequently exceeds expectations\n\n Digs in and finds the right answers to difficult questions, instead of trying to bluff her way through\n \n Has established a high degree of personal trust\n \n Keeps her word on all matters\n \n Is fully trusted in all she says and does\n \n Regards honesty as a top priority in dealings with his fellow employees\n \n Has fostered a climate of honesty within her department\n \n\nFully competent: Meets expectations\n\n Doesnt stray from the truth\n \n Is a person of his word\n \n Gives credit where credit is due\n \n Is willing to make serious sacrifices in order to keep her commitments\n \n Successfully establishes honest and open two-way communication with his employees\n \n Provides honest feedback in order to help employees learn, grow, and develop\n \n Uses honest facts, figures, and data to support her conclusions\n \n\nMarginal: Occasionally fails to meet expectations\n\n Believes that there is no problem in having a fudge factor in every project\n \n Holds back highly pertinent data\n \n Rarely gives the full story\n \n Is inclined to bend the truth\n \n Provides misleading updates on his projects\n \n Excessively embellishes her accomplishments\n \n Makes promises that he knows cannot be kept\n \n Will say anything to get her way\n \n Is widely regarded as being less than credible\n \n\nUnsatisfactory: Consistently fails to meet expectations\n\n Makes comments that always must be taken with a grain of salt\n \n Gives different people different stories regarding the same situation\n \n Caused the XYZ project to fail because of her lack of forthright behavior\n \n Has a basic lack of honesty that has garnered numerous complaints\n \n Produces projects and reports that always need extra scrutiny and fact checking because of questionable analyses and misleading conclusions\n \n Takes credit for work done by others\n \n Generates questionable results by manipulating the numbers\n \n Is held in questionable regard by his employees because of issues regarding honesty and trust\n \n Is frequently caught in lies\n \n Makes up facts to support her position\n \n","item_vector":null},"titleHighlight":null,"descriptionHighlights":null,"headers":null,"categoryList":["business-careers-money","business","human-resources"],"title":"Employee Appraisal Phrases: Professional 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Performance Appraisals and Phrases For Dummies, Have a Beautiful (and Tasty) Thanksgiving, Performance Appraisals and Phrases For Dummies Cheat Sheet, How to Follow Up after a Job Performance Appraisal Session, Effective Words to Use in a Workplace Performance Appraisal, How to Conduct a Performance Appraisal in the Workplace, Employee Appraisal Phrases: Reliability, Dependability, Integrity, Employee Appraisal Phrases: Performance Levels and Setting Priorities, Employee Appraisal Phrases: Growth and Development, Employee Appraisal Phrases: Job Knowledge and Expertise, Employee Appraisal Phrases: Professional Ethics. He is very punctual and values the time of her colleagues and business partners. What is reliability example? Precisely because we deeply believe in the importance of being reliable people at work, with this article we want to deepen this feature and offer you 7 tips to become a reliable professional with whom anyone would like to work! This is the opposite of dependability. He is firm to not let the individual emotion and feeling affect on the made decision. He always complies with the dress code. He is unable to find out a solution when facing a complicated situation. However, you can make a massive difference with the work you do in those hours by merely staying more focused and accountable to your team. He is objective when considering a fact or situation. He is often paralyzed and confused when facing tight deadlines to make decisions. Being trustworthy at work predisposes others to work with us, fuels word of mouth and allows you to get more customers . He, in turn, has a loyal workforce. He seems slow and indecisive when presented with a major issue. He recommends the most suitable solution. He automatically works extra hours if thats what it takes to get the job done right. By entering your email address and clicking the Submit button, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy & to receive electronic communications from, which may include marketing promotions, news and updates. He has energy, drive, and performance levels that are inconsistent and unpredictable. As they say "time is money", you have to value it the same way you value money. He demonstrates the highest levels of integrity in all his dealings with employees. He is an important member of our team and will finish the task when it is required. Information for each measure, derived from manuals or test development articles, includes: (a) domains measured; (b) measure characteristics; (c) sample characteristics; (d) reliability; and (e . Just as when setting a reliability goal the apportioned goal for purchased elements require all four elements: Function - often detailed in a requirements document. If you make a commitment, live up to it. Leadership is an inside job. It's actually very simple. Some examples of common reliability-related soft skills include: Mention leadership experiences when possible. He follows all company policies. Delivering on these smaller tasks on a consistent basis can increase your standing in your managers eyes and, over time, put you in the front line when theyre looking for the next person to head the new business division. He lets expedience take priority over integrity. It starts inside with your . To maintain their dependable status, these kinds of people are adamant about reaching their short and long-term goals, to the point when most people would throw in the towel. Guide the recruiter to the conclusion that you are the best candidate for the reliability manager job. He values a mutually beneficial cooperation with his partners and maintains good relationships with them.