To elucidate the mechanisms involved in resistance to RKN, we determined the proteome and transcriptome profiles from roots of susceptible (BRS133) Dans certains pays asiatiques, principalement la Chine, mais aussi le Vit Nam, les Philippines, la Core, et Tawan, ainsi qu'en Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guine, s'est mis en place un vritable systme patates-douce-levage porcin. La patate[1] (Ipomoea batatas), ou patate douce .mw-parser-output .prononciation>a{background:url("//")center left no-repeat;padding-left:15px;font-size:smaller}couter, est une espce de plantes dicotyldones de la famille des Convolvulaceae, tribu des Ipomoeeae, vraisemblablement originaire d'Amrique tropicale. y por aspirina. For the two contrasting soybean genotypes (BRS 133 and PI 595099), the samples inoculated with nematodes were evaluated to describe the morpho-physiology of the cell-nematode interaction (soybean, For the initial morphological analysis of two contrasting soybean genotypes (BRS 133 and PI 595099) inoculated with, Total RNA extractions from three biological samples from each condition (control, 4, 12, and 30 DAI) were made according to the manufacturers instructions of the ReliaPrep, For cDNA synthesis, all RNA samples evaluated in this study were treated with RNase-free DNase I (Promega, Madison, WI, USA) according to the manufacturers instructions. Genome-wide association mapping of the architecture of susceptibility to the root-knot nematode, Wang, X.; Cheng, C.; Zhang, K.; Tian, Z.; Xu, J.; Yang, S.; Lou, Q.; Li, J.; Chen, J.F. Small-Scale Gold Mining (SSGM) is a way of life for many individuals living in mineral-rich but poverty-stricken areas of Africa. Outre les amidons simples, les patates douces sont riches en glucides complexes, en fibres alimentaires, en fer et en vitamines telles que le bta-carotne (carotnode prcurseur de la vitamine A), la vitamine B2, la vitamine C et la vitamine E[90]. Williamson, V.M. ; Gaur, H.S. Les spales internes sont largement elliptiques, arrondis et mucrons. La commercialisation de boissons et de yaourts la patate douce a commenc au Japon en 1997 et ces produits sont maintenant trs populaires. 2017. ; et al. Au Ghana, les tribus Akans utilisaient les feuilles pour traiter le diabte de type 2. ; Hosseini, P.; Alkharouf, N.W. del camote horneado (3.54 - 4.56g/100g) (Lim et al, 2016). Chen, J.; Hu, L.; Sun, L.; Lin, B.; Huang, K.; Zhuo, K.; Liao, J. Consultado el 14 de septiembre del 2018. FASEB J. Recently, the processing strategies for improving the quality of composite bread have gained increasing interest, and sustainable bread production becomes imperative in the post-crisis era. extraen las antocianinas del tubrculo para agregarlas en la leche fermentada por Levin., y M. Friedman. Pages 453 The differential expression patterns observed in the RTqPCR analysis were consistent with those found through the transcriptome analysis (, The evaluation of cDNA and protein libraries of two soybean genotypes infected with, This finding is not exclusive to the data mentioned here since the low correlation between transcriptome and proteomic data has already been described in previous studies with other biological systems. ISBN 0471165298 ISSN 0163-7851, Year 1989 Requirement of the cytosolic interaction between pathogenesis-related protein 10 and leucine-rich repeat protein 1 for cell death and defense signaling in pepper. Sur cette version linguistique de Wikipdia, les liens interlangues sont placs en haut droite du titre de larticle. Editors select a small number of articles recently published in the journal that they believe will be particularly Des considrations linguistiques, confirmes par des donnes gntiques, montrent que la patate douce s'est diffuse dans le monde selon trois voies[11],[8]. One microgram of each sample was loaded onto a Proxeon Easy-nLC system (Thermo Fischer Scientific, Odense, Denmark) coupled with a Q Exactive HF Hybrid Quadrupole-Orbitrap Mass Spectrometer (Thermo Fischer Scientific, Odense, Denmark) for protein identification with 75 min of gradient time using an 18 cm long column. c) hoja de camote anaranjado. Edible medicinal and non-medicinal plants. 1996-2022 MDPI (Basel, Switzerland) unless otherwise stated. The soil-sludge blends were analysed for selected metal residues. ; Sonah, H.; Dias, W.P. Es un alimento rico en carbohidratos, protenas, lpidos, carotenoides, vitamina A, C, riboflavina, niacina, fibra y Agua (Ibrahium y Hegazy, 2014) (Tabla 2). The food additive potassium nitrate may be safely used as a curing agent in the processing of cod roe, in an amount not to exceed 200 parts per million of the finished roe. In the proteome, overexpressed genes in PI 595099 were associated with the metabolism of molecules, such as asparagine, sucrose, and glycogen, whereas in BRS 133, they were related to the inhibition of endopeptidases. HGIC 4102 Introducing Solid Foods to Infants, HGIC 4109 Healthy Eating Habits for Children, HGIC 4114 Packing Lunches for School-Age Kids, HGIC 4123 Snacks With 100 Calories or Less. ; Dubreuil, G.; Quentin, M.; Perfus-Barbeoch, L.; Lecomte, P.; Almeida-Engler, J.; Abad, P.; Rosso, M.N. tipo de follaje es comn en los de la pulpa prpura. Sequence exchange between homologous NB-LRR genes converts virus resistance into nematode resistance, and vice versa. On prpare les jeunes feuilles et les pointes en les faisant rapidement bouillir dans une petite quantit d'eau. pp. Effectors of root sedentary nematodes target diverse plant cell compartments to manipulate plant functions and promote infection. Iron deficiency anaemia. HGIC 4098 How Can You Help Your Child Practice Intuitive Eating? In the last two fields, Terminalia superba, Cleistopholis patens, and Holarrhena floribunda are three of Benins most used wood species. El consumo de camote se ha estudiado ampliamente en el tratamiento de varios padecimientos y enfermedades que daan la salud del ser humano. Mishra., A. K. Vlchez., C.M. Aussi bien les tubercules que les feuilles sont un aliment de base dans les rgions tropicales o la patate douce prend la place de la pomme de terre. Examples of such processes are the induction of receptor-like kinases (RLKs) and resistance genes (, As previously mentioned, the TFs are key regulatory proteins that modulate the expression of genes involved in several plant processes, such as defense signaling pathways against biotic and abiotic stresses [, On the other hand, some minor TF families showed consistent differences in expression levels of all members of the given family. Tang, Y., W. Les parties ariennes de la patate douce, les tiges feuilles, peuvent tre utilises, notamment dans les petites exploitations, comme aliment du btail, principalement les bovins. 2011. Graham, P.H. Les jeunes feuilles et les pousses servent de condiments. Cela permet de fixer la peau, de cicatriser les plaies et de commencer convertir l'amidon en sucre. Les fleurs bisexues, trs semblables celles du liseron, sont portes par des pdicelles courts dont la couleur varie du vert au violet. Jusuf., A. la cantidad de almidn en el camote horneado (55.80 - 60.22g/100g) no presenta diferencias Pages 408 Les lobes diffrent par leur profondeur, allant du superficiel au lob profond, et par leur nombre, qui varie gnralement de 3 7. Isolates of C. kahawae were collected from different altitude in the West Region of Cameroon and characterised for cultural and morphological variations. Afzal, A.J. hojas de camote contienen altas concentraciones de polifenoles (cido cafeico, cido Ramrez., y R. P. Miranda. Les tubercules peuvent prsenter diffrentes couleurs: la peau peut tre blanche, jaune, rose, orange, violette ou brun rougetre[61]. Brain Pathol. 2, 2018. 2013. Elles sont riches en fibres et aideraient ainsi prvenir certains types de cancer[111],[112],[113]. Une protine inhibitrice de la trypsine contenue dans la patate douce, a montr in vitro un fort effet antioxydant. dplacer vers la barre latrale ; Santos, I.R. La patate douce est une culture essentielle des peuples amricains tropicaux qui sest vite diffuse hors de son aire initiale. INTA, Argentina. All articles published by MDPI are made immediately available worldwide under an open access license. Quatre six semaines plus tard, on voit apparaitre des racines dans l'eau et des pousses sur la patate. Ed. Diabetes Res Clin Pract. ; Sales, M.P. Le terme patate est attest en franais sous la forme pattates et prsent comme un mot indigne dans La reprinse de la Floride, par le capitaine Gourgue, en 1567[17]. Anthony Ajana Uzodigwe, Kenneth Onyebuchi Obi, Romeo Chukwukelu Egwuatu and Paul Ikechukwu Unegbu, African Journal of Agricultural ResearchSpatiotemporal evolution and identification of oil palm phenolic compounds in response to vascular wilt caused by Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. Le latex est exsud lorsqu'on coupe les tubercules et noircit trs rapidement du fait de l'oxydation[23]. The samples were kept at 80 C until they were subjected to protein and total RNA extraction procedures. Son plantas USA., los camotes contienen grandes concentraciones de magnesio; mineral que combate el estrs, promueve la relajacin y un estado de nimo favorable, al igual que favorece la salud arterial, sangunea, sea, muscular y nerviosa. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. ; Grossi-de-Sa, M.F. ISSN 0163-7851, Year 2002 Andrade., F. Rausch Fernandes., A.S. En 2016, le prix mondial de l'alimentation a t dcern quatre personnalits: Maria Andrade (Cap-Vert), Robert Mwanga (Ouganda), et Jan Low et Howarth Bouis (tats-Unis), uvrant pour le Centre international de la pomme de terre. Distinct and conserved transcriptomic changes during nematode-induced giant cell development in tomato compared with. Selon The Plant List (26 septembre 2019)[47]: Selon World Checklist of Selected Plant Families (WCSP) (26 septembre 2019)[48], on distingue deux varits botaniques: En Amrique latine, les noms les plus communs de la patate douce sont: batata, camote, boniato, batata doce, apichu et kumara[23]. ; et al. camote tales como; carotenoides, vitaminas, polifenoles La fructification de cette plante est trs rarement observe en culture. ; Vance, C.P. Des tudes ont montr que la patate douce a le pouvoir de diminuer la glycmie et la rsistance l'insuline tant chez l'homme que chez l'animal. Auteur du texte, Diccionario de la lengua espaola - Edicin del Tricentenario, International Journal of Agricultural Research, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Etimologas de Chile - Diccionario que explica el origen de las palabras, Manual Boas Prticas para Culturas Emergentes, Fruit, Vegetable and Cereal Science and Biotechnology. ; Draper, J. Koistinen, K.M. La patate douce est transforme et utilise sous diffrentes formes dans diverses parties du monde[128]. ; Tjioe, E.; Pieper, U.; Sali, A.; Madhusudhan, M.S. Colombia. The tomato leucine-rich repeat receptor-like kinases. ISHS Lusage quasi gnral de propagation par voie vgtative a fait que de nombreux cultivars ne fleurissent plus[15]. Servies ou prpares avec un corps gras (lait de coco par exemple), les feuilles aideront l'organisme assimiler la vitamine A qu'elle contiennent. ; Ferreira, E.G.C. Grunewald, W.; Karimi, M.; Wieczorek, K.; van de Cappelle, E.; Wischnitzki, E.; Grundler, F.; Inz, D.; Beeckman, T.; Gheysen, G. A role for AtWRKY23 in feeding site establishment of plant-parasitic nematodes. Hossain., E. Author(s): Facilitated by the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. Wilson, R.F. ; Huber, W.; Anders, S. Moderated estimation of fold change and dispersion for RNA-seq data with DESeq2. Nutr. This work was partly supported by INCT-Plant Stress Biotech (CNPq Grant Number 465480/2014-4), the Brazilian National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq), Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES), Research Support Foundation of Brazilian Federal District (FAP-DF), Embrapa (Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation), and Corteva Agriscience. In contrast to the plants evaluated at 30 DAI, the remaining treatments showed a lower number of associated GOs (transcriptome, 9 at 12 DAI and 16 at 4 DAI; proteome, 12 at 12 DAI and 6 at 4 DAI). clulas HepG2 (lnea celular de carcinoma de hgado hepatocelular humano). The aim of this work is to collate information on the use of Detarium microcarpum in folk medicine by traditional health practitioners and herbalists. La pourriture noire de Java, due une espce de champignons ascomyctes, Lasiodiplodia theobromae, est l'une des maladies les plus destructives qui affecte les tubercules stocks (post-rcolte). Les exportations ne portant que sur 0,6% de la production mondiale. participated in the RTqPCR validation experiments. ; Casati, P. Flavonoids: Biosynthesis, biological functions, and biotechnological applications. En Puebla es conocido como dulce poblano o dulce cristalizado (el tubrculo es hervido con azcar para obtener una consistencia dura y con apariencia brillosa). Dans ce cas, la plantation se fait au printemps, partir d'avril-mai (quand les tempratures minimales restent suprieures 10C), la rcolte intervenant au bout de 4 6 mois selon les varits, vers septembre-octobre. Tesis profesional. The objective of this review was to describe the nutritional properties of sweetpotato, as well as the health benefits of its consumption. Evaluacin de tres tipos de esquejes de la gua principal (apical, intermedia y basal) de tres variedades de camote (Ipomoea batatas L.) con la finalidad de determinar la mejor produccin. Year 2003 2012. These enzymes belong to the flavanone and phytoalexin branches and catalyze limiting steps in naringenin and glyceollin production. Katoh, K.; Standley, D.M. Los efectos del consumo de camote en los lpidos sricos y el riesgo de enfermedad cardiovascular se han examinado en hombres y mujeres. En 2015, une tude de l'Universit de Gand et du Centre international de la pomme de terre a permis de dcouvrir que le gnome de la patate douce contient des squences d'ADN-T provenant d'Agrobacterium, dont des gnes sont exprims par la plante; plus particulirement Agrobacterium rhizogenes et Agrobacterium tumefaciens. ; Vidigal, B.; Danchin, E.G.J. SWISS-MODEL: Homology modelling of protein structures and complexes. variedad topera. J. Agron Mesoam. Purple-grain maize is a marginal cereal grown exclusively and consumed in the Central-North of Cte d'Ivoire. Food Sci. Le style, relativement court, se termine par un stigmate large, divis en deux lobes couverts de poils glandulaires. ; Natarajan, A.; Saini, N.; Iqbal, M.J.; Geisler, M.; El Shemy, H.A. La rgion mditerranenne se prte trs bien cette culture sous rserve de l'irriguer convenablement. En Core, les Goguma julgi bokkeum, sont des feuilles de patates douces sautes. Clement Mwaanga, Richard Shambare and Van Zyl Cina, African Journal of Agricultural ResearchSelected soil properties and small-holder dairy farmers perceptions on improved forage varieties in the Southern highlands of Tanzania. In, Melakeberhan, H.; Webster, J.M. In. Ali, M.A. ; Teixeira, F.R. 1-35. Microbial Quality of Poultry Manure and Selected Vegetables from the Korle-Bu Vegetable Farms. Four biological samples were collected in each condition, and each biological sample consisted of samples from 10 plants. Characterization of resistance to pine wood nematode infection in. Published on the Internet;, consult le 26 septembre 2019, Amlioration des plantes: Application aux principales espces cultives en rgions tropicales." Ribeiro, D.G. Ohri, P.; Pannu, S.K. al compararlo con el camote fresco (63.90 - 64.89g/100g). Labonte., y G.C. ; Brasileiro, A.C.M. Disponible en: HGIC 4388 How Can My Pet Better My Health? El cultivo de la batata, una oportunidad agroalimentaria para pequeos productores de clima clido. Mineral determination and anti-LDL oxidation activity of sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas L.) leaves. Rani., y N. Kumaresapillai. Both experimental design and survey data were utilized in this study. Measures to checkmate these situations include researches on the role of medicinal plants in health care delivery. ; Kwak, S.S.; Lee, J.J.; Shim, D.; Kim, Y.H. 24(1): 2937. ; Wallroth, M.; Eichholtz, D.; Rogers, S.G.; Fraley, R.T. A simple and general method for transferring genes into plants. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. La patate y est connue sous le nom de kumara (orthographi kmara en langue maori). aumentando o disminuyendo la concentracin de ciertos compuestos, por ejemplo; la tome 1, 2(2): 465)[45]. El potencial gastroprotector se estudi en ambos modelos al igual ISBN 0471219681 This study aims to investigate if peers tax-saving success influences a firms tax aggressiveness. The effects of oral iron supplementation on cognition in older children and adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Au niveau europen (UE28) les importations nettes atteignaient 27100t en 2017. ; Basso, M.F. (15..?-15..?). ; Dempfle, L. Relative expression software tool (REST) for group-wise comparison and statistical analysis of relative expression results in real-time PCR. Peer review under responsibility of Beijing Academy of Food Sciences. Relying on the inter-dependence amongst firms, the proposition that a firm would change its tax payment decisions is when it observes that its peer group achieves tax-saving success. ; M. Parker. (tableau 2). and I.T.L.-T. participated in the experimental design and conclusion of the bioassays. ISHS ; Zhang, J.Y. Pages 558 Parmi les infections virales, qui sont responsables d'environ la moiti des pertes de rcoltes, la plus grave est la virose complexe de la patate douce (SPVD, sweet potato virus disease), prsente notamment en Afrique orientale. Pages 382 Pages 430 Elle se cultive aussi dans certaines rgions tempres chaudes, notamment en Espagne, aux tats-Unis et au Japon, o elle est cultive comme plante annuelle. De acuerdo con el Departamento de Salud Pblica de Los ngeles. Shekhar, S., D. elaeidis (Foe) is a fungus that attacks oil palm and affects its production. The bioactive compounds contained in this tubercle play an important role in the promotion of health, roviding essential nutrients to the diet, improving immune function, preventing vascular and cardiac damage, protecting the liver and improving the functions of liver cells, suppressing the growth of malignant cells for humans, interfering with lipid metabolism, decreasing blood sugar levels and reducing gastric ulcers. las antocianinas del camote sobre la supervivencia de neuronas en 40 ratones Kunming D'autres tudes chez l'animal montrent que ces mmes anthocyanes ont un effet protecteur sur le foie en le protgeant par exemple des dommages dus de fortes doses de paractamol[122]. ; Favery, B. Root-knot nematodes manipulate plant cell functions during a compatible interaction. Food Science and Human Wellness. IbMYB2) son las responsables de los pigmentos morados en la cascara y la pulpa del Author(s): The immediate upstream region of the 5-UTR from the AUG start codon has a pronounced effect on the translational efficiency in. However, the expression profiles observed in other hosts infected with, Recent studies in rice, sweet potato, and cucumber have suggested that cultivars resistant to, This study also comprehensively described the gene expression and protein production profiles present during the progression of soybean-.