Most people have never discussed climate change with anyone outside their immediate family. Climate change will also worsen a range of risks to the Great Lakes. Or that climate models are unreliable and too sensitive to carbon dioxide. Go on now, believe whatever you want. Because lying about the 97% consensus is no argument. We already see this today with African colonies being denied a coal plant for energy, they have to use the solar they cant afford. US probably wont be in the top 500 cities of anything becauseits not one. Switching to renewable energy and electric vehicles, for example, reduces air pollution, which improves people's overall health. If anyone claims they know for a fact that it is man made climate change then yes, they are part of the hoax. Australia is one of the richest countries on the planet. Mongolia and China will solve their problem. Its fair to say that fewother branches of scienceare so politically charged as climate science. Poorer countries tend to be on tropical latitudes, whereas, When will electric cars become the norm? But it is special the issue is the speed of change. Not the other way around. 2.5C RISE (2038): MAJOR ECONOMIC CONSEQUENCES, STRONG REGIONAL DEPENDENCE I say out it drowns out the latter, to sciences severe detriment. Uli Czeranka I did and it agrees with my first post, there is NO evidence. Iceland was settled because it was warmer at the time. Because its a natural process without sufficient data on man interference, yes pollution is bad and must be decreased. Everyone would like to see some trusted evidence that that changes are man-made! CO2 is nonsense, but we should talk about the catastrophic deforestation. The climate is continuously fluctuating, surely this climate change is just a nother natural temperature fluctuation. Dont even try to argue that in mans nanospeck of existence in geologic time that it will affect processes which were already going long before man and will continue after man is gone! They are the major cause of gases. Athens has seen illegal building outside of town plan and in the paths of creeks and brooks, deforestation etc since antiquity and everybody in Greece knows this. Now, why do we have this strange neglect! Fossil fuels remain dominant. Because the temperature increase is not going to stop at actual levels. And why do you write climate change and not global warming anymore? could it be its just another manipulation of the data ? Climate change always happened. Research on construal level theory argues that people conceptualize things that are psychologically distant from them (in time, space, or social distance) more abstractly than things that are psychologically close. The shift in public opinion means that undermining the science will increasingly have little or no effect. For them the real obstacle memorably represented on one float in New York as a 15 metre-long octopus is the oil and gas industry and its tentacles of political influence. We also had a comment fromHagen, who believes it is already too late to stop climate change. 8. Since they still breath clean air, they swim in sunny beaches they dont care what will happen 50 years after because most of them will be dead. No, but that doesnt change the fact that they agree. Others are more subtle in their denial,such as theAlternative for Germany (AfD) party which, in their election program,accepted that climate change is occurring but denied that humanity is influencing its development. Doing something. There is indeed a summit today, called by UN secretary general Ban Ki-moon, to discuss dangerous climatic disruption. My view, is that we need to change our thinking approach on this subject. Theglobally-recognised scientific body for climate research is theIntergovernmental Panel on Climate Change(IPCC), which has been producing climate change reports on behalf of the United Nations since 1988. One of Britain's leading deniers, Nigel Lawson, the former UK chancellor, now agrees that humans are causing climate change, despite having founded the sceptic Global Warming Policy Foundation in 2009., Ivan please let us know where this number comes from and why its a lie. Way back when the "climategate" conspiracy theories were swirling, I remember one particularly adamant denier commenting that he would believe in climate change once Al Gore and other environmentalists abandoned the luxuries of electricity and fossil fuels and really put their money where their mouths were. Ivan Burrows the British believed they were genetically superior than the Africans during their colonial era. Great sourcing the one you have. Deniers argue that climate change is not as bad as scientists make out. They had to change the name because of stupid people like you that kept saying its snowing, where is that global warming??. We write climate change and not global warming because not all parts of the globe are warming. Instead, it is the accumulated damage from years of smoking that leads to significant health problems. Seriously ?! That is one reason people value the present so much more strongly. So yes, Al Gores theory of global warming (nowadays called climate change) is a hoax based on data collected in the past 100-150 years and ignoring the data before that and other factors that influence Earths climate (for example that tiny little thing called Sun). Or they get to delicate how much little energy you get to use (carbon tax), and how much energy they get to waste. They dont, they know man made climate change is a hoax. So, does this very biased reporting not look like a hoax? And it is true there is little evidence and mostly just theories the long run is it really that hard to believe. The fact that a small percentage of people dont accept the science of climate change is pretty irrelevant, actually. Because before was global warming, now it is climate change Wake up some people arent dumb We are going to a new ice era Not globing warming.. And the facebook anti free speech algorithm kicks in. Bdis Except there is NO data to prove the climate is changing in any meaningful or un-natural way. It is also worthwhile to confront the uncertainty of the future head-on. I read a thing and it was from the one and only carrot Steven hawking. A threat to security. I used to believe what the media, politicians and UN says about climate change, but after their assertions after assertions proved to be false, I dont believe it any more. It should be troubling enough that temperatures are rising, glaciers are melting . It is in The politic accely underestimated. The climate is changing (I already said that is a given) Because human been produces CO2 ?!?! Since such measures are often presented in public as the irrefutable implications of climate changebeing a consequence of man-made emissions, then the veracity of climate science is denied. Theyre unable to invest in the long future when they can get a biscuit today, or go to Bali in August. Nope, it is not, there is no proof of that. Ivan Burrows did you actually read the article? fixing the data to show the climate is changing, now agrees that humans are causing climate change, human health and expansion of the global green economy, US$86,000,000,000,000 and every year this World GDP grows by 3.5 percent, 40 percent of the world's population also lives in the Tropics, land biosphere has been absorbing about a quarter, quarter of our emissions is absorbed by the oceans, completely nullifies this minor fertilisation effect, extreme weather events and can in turn improve food and water security, Mouse Study Suggests a Surprising Link Between Nose-Picking And Alzheimer's, Before Being Ritually Sacrificed, This Nazca Child Was Drugged With Psychedelics, 85 Years After It Was Abandoned, Explorers Find a Historic Cache of Camera Gear. they have crossed the limits. Society, not climate, kills them. There was an mini ice age 600 years ago. Also The term Green house effekt are used, Amphib Ian, Global Warming and Climate Change are two very different things. And people talking nonsense are in both camps. This would take several decades and require very substantial reductions. Those occur naturally in the driest of deserts. It is extremely uncommon that feedback effects are stronger than the main effect and to be believable such feedback effects would need to be extremely well understood and empirically documented, which they arent. He did it so many times that when the wolf did came no one believed him That causes whole agriculture systems to fail, water will be more scarce, cities like New York City or Shanghai and countries like the Netherlands and Bangladesh will just drown in the sea and billions of people will have to migrate somewhere else. In my introductory comment see at the top I mentioned the detection and attribution concept, which is taking into account his speed issue. Global warming isnt a hoax its a big joke the planet has been going through climate changes since the beging of time dessert were green all land was covered by water scientist have proof of this now show us proof there is global warming and not just a degree or two. There are over 32 thousand scientists who reject man made climate change and yet the media will only listen to a very small minority some 72 that back that climate change is man made. This is not the first time our planet has gone through this phase. Great Britain ; Italy ; who s next ??? What people question is that this time it would be man made. Absence of evidence?? Joo Mascarenhas extreme-right wing ? None. Manos Foukarakis : can you be more specific? Why do not debate sincerlly here about it ??? You people have any idea whats it like to get PhD in sciences? Although i strongly believe he wouldnt bother arguing. Man made climate change sound stupid as you pay for studies like that: The United Nations Climate Change Secretariat released its first ever annual report this week, in which it held up its Gender Action Plan as a key to increasing the participation of women in responding to global warming. I think the one who wants to impose his man-made theory should presents some evidences. One possible explanation is a well-known psychological effect known "optimistic bias" which is evident across all sorts of contexts. Climate change isnt god. In the last decade it is poor counties like Honduras, Myanmar, Nicaragua and Bangladesh and Thailand that have been most battered by the climate storm. A hoax is a deception or lie that is made to be perceived as the truth, but why would people make this up? When we opt out of an argument we are choosing to ignore opposing views thereby failing to understand the other., The most fatal illusion is the settled point of view. - The Day Reading Level 5 Tuesday, 22 March 2022 Why do we ignore climate change? Even with this warning, the alarm bells over climate change did not sound until 1988, when the United Nations established the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). is not a hoax, it just dont happen for the reasons we are told. Please . I see no path to success.. The elitist have laid the plan out and their end game is laughing at all of us regular guys while they are chauffeured to the bank!!! Cuse some dom not belive in science and in it evidens. One crucial mistake involves mistaking the weather for the climate. Just remember there were people who believed long before it was fashionable. Climate change is not a hoax, the climate has been changing since the world began. When his findings were checked it was found to be full of errors, assumptions and is some cases right out misrepresenting of the papers. It would be a very, very long list. George Guydosh So no list then, should we really be surprised that 97% of climate change scientists agree with funded institutions without whom they would not earn a living ? Is it man made though? However infuriating they are, arguing with them or debunking their theories is likely only to generate publicity or money for them. Likewise, it took a long time before there were any signs of climate change that were obvious to people. We dont know exactly how our planet works, is bigger than we can experiment and reproduce in the lab. And just so we are clear on the point there as been no average temperature increase for 20 years. make empirical data science a core subject in secondary school, and watch the problem evaporate. Look him up. The cognitive psychologist Daniel Kahneman, who won a Nobel prize for his studies of how irrationally we respond to such issues, sighed deeply when I asked him to assess our chances: Sorry, he said, I am deeply pessimistic. @Charles Vee It is not part of some pattern or trend that will eventually reverse. If they would tanke in The evidence and what Will happening they should put as mutch ord more money in to it than they dig On war in The ww1 and 2. Possibly many dont even have the basic scientific culture, the notion of causality, the notion of a model as description of natural processes, mathematics can be used to describe and foresee phenomena etc. In fact, the researchers found that people who reject scientific consensus on topics such as climate change, vaccine safety, and evolution are generally just as interested in science and as well-educated as the rest of us. Its obviously affecting our lives, weve had some of the strongest and out of place storms in the past year alone, and these past years have been some of the warmest years ever recorded in history. It will return like it always has. I ask whether they would be willing to forgo something today to invest in a disease that has a one in five chance of affecting a grandchild. Edita Of course we affect it, everything does. If you only ask dog owners if they like dogs you would probably get a figure of 97%. Theres plenty of evidence to support it being a fact, btw. Climate change is widely acknowledged to have a profound effect on the biosphere and cryosphere with many and diverse impacts on global resources. I dont believe anyone thinks climate change is a hoax. How much control they can have over the lower class. But ultimately, all countries need to act because if we want to minimise the effects of climate change then the world must go carbon zero by 2050.