I also think I have some connection with my ethical mind. Next, this paper will highlight the leadership qualities that hinders the learning process among the workers. An ethical organization or individual aspires to attain the right way of living by adhering to established values, principles, and regulations to base their perception and practices. My interest in performing in a way that produces happiness and pleasure encourages me to motivate and inspire others and allow them to assume authority over decision-making in their assigned work stations. Ethical leaders are thinkers who consult outside sources to make the best decisions for their organization or group. (2018) have identified that learning and leadership are interconnected as well as an important factor for organizational success. Ethical leadership can also involve the management of conduct and collaboration within a team. Sometimes it is hard to do all the work on your own. One of the few similarities between Deontology and Utilitarianism is that both concepts are guidelines of how individuals can make ethical decisions. Enjoy The New Experience With 15% OFF. Besides my transformational leadership approach, I also value other managerial techniques that can deliver the best result in an organization or different settings where proper leadership is necessary. Immediate issues that come to mind are racism and double-standards. Instead, I have learned that as a utilitarian leader, I have to know that what constitutes morality to be justifiable is it a helpful addition to human and non-human beings. Often, executives are considered to only have a lust for organizational profits and their own compensations. Institutions that teach ethical leadership need to have websites that are not only professionally designed, but they need to be easy to navigate and have relevant and accurate information A. They are not emotional, impulsive decision-makers. I will explain how ethics play a role in leadership and decision making. Lastly, this paper review the effects of a few organizations when their leaders made decisions, Leadership is a partnership between two or more people, so it is necessary to design a guideline that allows a leader to create an ethical organization. database? People will follow what they think is legitimate; this authority trap needs to be broken. Developing Ethical Leadership There are some crucial steps which an organization needs to consider for developing best ethical leaders. It brings to light the question of life-- is the police officers more important? I truly believe that if the boy had been the same race as the officer, the conversation and assumption may have been internalized differently. L. OBrien and Landon T. (2004), Its Cleanup Time at Citi, The New York Times. Racial Divide in United States Defies Easy Change. Does age, let alone race, play into this scenario- the fact that he was young and may have dressed a certain way? University of Phoenix al. I feel that my ethical thinking as a utilitarian improves how I serve others as a transformational leader. Democratic leadership welcomes members to share views and ideas, even though the leader makes the final decision. . Within this emerging theme, leading from an ethical perspective is about working interdependently to construct a collective good for an organisation. During the course, we completed two group projects and four individual assessments. But, the true picture is seemingly different. Gardner, H. (2007). The question that should be asked then is "what is right?" Once the ethical course of action is determined the leader must then have the integrity and fortitude to proceed with that course of action. I just think the situation got out of hand too quickly, due to improper or ineffective protocol in pursuing a possible suspect. Available from: https://www.essay-writing.com/samples/ethical-leadership-reflection-essay/, I would do what shows that I care about my relationships. Ethical thinking helps me understand that followers are happier when they feel their contributions significantly impact how things happen (Trevino & Nelson, 2017). My ethical mind helps me serve as a transformational leader who seeks to create a work environment where everyone is happy and satisfied with their roles and relationships with others. By. Not only this, the CEO personally apologized in front of the Japanese officials. In order to create the successors of ethical leadership in organizations, leaders must train the employees and themselves to overcome these obstacles. The best example in this regard is of JetBlue airways, the founders of the airline, by beginning a process of matching employee donations according to their salaries, today, the entire salaries go the JetBlue Crewmember Catastrophic plan charity, to assist the employees with calamities that are not insured. Get expert help in mere 10 minutes with: PhD Essay Science Psychology Ethics Ethical Leadership Developing Ethical Leadership, Explore how the human body functions as one unit in harmony in order to life //= $post_title In this paper, I will discuss the intermediate outcome personal and ethical foundations. CALL ME! A perception that high-ranking business leaders were untrustworthy contributed to the spectacular decline in stock prices during the 2000-2002 period. I would so what benefits most people. Locating a space for ethics to appear in decision-making: Privacy as an exemplar. When leaders do not consistently make ethical choices and seem to be out for themselves and not for the group at large, trust is lost within followers or group members. Get quality assistance from academic writers! Characteristics of Ethical Leaders Ethics and values lies at different standards for executives and managers in todays turbulent world. Ethical Leaders Communicate and Personifies the Values of the Organization: Leaders may only tell the employees about the values of the organization but ethical leaders actually personify these values making themselves a role model for the employees to follow. 48 Vitosha Boulevard, ground floor, 1000, Sofia, Bulgaria Bulgarian reg. I try to find out if I exhibit other qualities of an ethical leader: confidence, inspirational features, problem-solving techniques, honesty, trust, and productiveness and efficiency. These people establish their own individuality and autonomy which needs to be respected so that a moral community can be maintained. Frame Actions from the Perspective of Ethics: Ethical leaders considers their leadership as an ethical task and this involves taking the right claims of others i. e. considering the effect of ones deed on the other. Throughout the paper, I will look at what those duties look like from the lens and experience I gain from University of Northern Colorado Career Services. The future entering: Reflections on and challenges to ethical leadership. This essay explores how ethic plays a role in the leaders decision making for the organization. I would do what shows that I care about my relationships I would so what benefits the most. An ethical organization or individual aspires to attain the right way of living by adhering to established values, principles, and regulations to base their perception and practices. Edward F. and Lisa S. (2006), Developing Ethical Leadership, Institute for Corporate Ethics. Actions happened too quickly and without enough evidence or discussion-- just a sequence of assumptions and actions taken, without both sides respecting one another enough to communicate the facts or fears before deathly action occurred. Reilly, E. C. (2006). Defining Leadership Qualities, Tactical Leadership vs Organizational Leadership, Comparison of Team Leadership and Organization Leadership. The 20th century revolutionised the idea of leadership and management. When things go one-on-one, the air and stories can become murky because there is no accountability. Ethical leadership comprises of responsibility for the actions of others and the instruments that influence those behaviors. The course has helped me to watch how I act and relate to others because it has taught me that people would determine my actions as being morally wrong or right, depending on their consequences or effects. The officer pursued Brown who was walking down the street; Brown was not doing anything suspicious at time, but due to his race, Wilson believed he may have previously been involved in a local assault. I will explain how ethics play a role in leadership and decision making. They tend to think about the big picture, but dont forget about the smaller steps it will take to get there. Why was there not another officer present and why was more than one shot fired and not just the one to simply subdue him (the first shot to the arm would have semi-paralyzed him for the time being)? Moreover, good leaders are not only competent but they also follow organizational values and act ethically as well as transform people in accordance to their ethical needs. Nevertheless, the significance of a good character and strong values cannot be denied, but the complexities in ethical leadership are far much in reality with a high rate of stakes. ETHICS IN LEADERSHIP ASHISH 3/18/2013 What is Ethical Leadership? The reflection paper critically examines business ethics, leadership, and business relationships and how they are interrelated and contribute to an organizations overall culture. We assume they are protecting the citizens at all costs, but we dont know for certain and data is not provided to us from the city or state showcasing those numbers/arrests/convictions/etc. I tend to model my ethical leadership in my personal and professional life by emulating others who perform well and excel in their practices. (2009). In the ratio of ethics to leadership, ethics concerns personality and the role of a leader. Ethical Self Reflection Pages: 7 (2033 words) Ethical Decision Making and Ethical Leadership Pages: 13 (3706 words) Drone WarFare Ethical or Not Ethical? The mindset inspires me to promote teamwork and self-confidence, which are very important in creating a comfortable and inspiring work station. I research different platforms to inquire about leaders who prosper because they prefer to act ethically. At the top level administration may display leadership however their direct social engagement with subordinates is often limited. New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. The personal ethics of a leader will cast a light on organizations, Business Ethics Therefore, I feel that neither party should have continued to engage with the other without others present to document and account for the dialogue that occurred. Part D: Were there any costs to this choice of ethical leadership or lack thereof? The program taught me about the notion of utilitarianism, which is one of the widely acknowledged and influential ethical theories (Gardner, 2007). The connection between Ethical Thinking and Leadership Style. These theories are relationship-heavy, focusing on the interactions between the leaders and the followers, Group and Individual Research, Address Environmental Problems, Make Ethical Decisions In Care for Others, and Communicate in a Scholarly fashion. Did you know that we have over 70,000 essays on 3,000 topics in our Lack of imagination: It occurs when leaders cannot see their way through to solutions that are ethically better. The need to create an environment where everyone is contented with the outcome inspires me to identify how to attain the desired change, create a vision to guide the transformation, and to implement the plan in a way that would give the best results for everyone, promote happiness, and facilitate change. Type your requirements and I'll connect you to an academic expert within 3 minutes. Apart from these questions, there are few more that one must answer in order to become an ethical leader, if the answers to these questions reflect your values and your behavior, tells you about your reputation among the employees and your peers, then you must be able to reassess yourself on the basis of these answers. Remember me Forgot password? The police have a job to do, but they ought not to be allowed to act discriminatory and accusatory, especially without cause or evidence. This black-white divide was captured by a Pew Research Center survey released last week. If a threat is made, the body and mind react in impulsive ways sometimes and decision making becomes a bit clouded in ways it normally would not. The irony for me in this case is that police officers are held to a high standard or respect and we as citizens assume they will act in our best interests for our safety at all times, but in this case, Wilson seems to have brought on this altercation and without proper cause. Overall, a utilitarian mindset helps leaders to develop a work plan that makes everyone feel happy with the outcomes. The Growing Importance of Ethical Business Managers Connect on Whatsapp : +1 206 673 2541, Get Homework Help 24x7, 100% Confidential. Perhaps there need to be stronger punishments for those police officers who go off script. I also scored high on virtue ethics, since in most cases, my decision would be based on the justice of the accused person in the case. Be Honest and Trustworthy and Have Integrity in Dealing with Others. Bonner, W. (2007). Abstract. On duty ethics, I scored low since I preferred to pardon persons found on the wrong in most of my answers or make decisions that seem just to the accused rather than to the outcome. For instance, L. OBrien and Landon T. (2004) stated that the CEO of Citigroup Japan, Chuck Prince fired a number of employees in 2004; these employees were involved in a series of unethical activities. Assignment: Week 1; Ethics Reflections Paper Need urgent help with your paper? This means that effective leadership calls for a collective responsibility for the achievement of set goals and objectives. What right did Wilson have to even approach Brown, let alone, continue to question? Perhaps we need to think about creating and testing new protocol for instances where possible assailants are pursued. The findings help me to make necessary adjustments that would improve my practice as an ethical leader. The paper will critically evaluate the importance of developing professional practice, Reflection Paper #1 Amah As little as ten years ago, leadership and management were clearly separated by rank, position and chain of command. I think ethical leaders lead with integrity and walk the walk as well as just talk a good talk. Moreover, I consider my profession as an ethical leader to be a strength that can improve my development as a moral leader. He also loses his reputation by some in the police force in his city, while others stand by his decision making as they have seen it play out prior to that incident. There is no standard definition of the term ethical leader, but in business its most common justification is given as, a leader with good character and strong values, having the potential to resist any temptation that he might face on his way. Healthcare professionals face difficult choices concerning what is best for the patients and can sometimes become entangled with ethical dilemmas. Finally, on egoism ethics, I scored lowly since I did not act in my interests or desires in most cases but rather focused on the wellbeing of other organizational roles. (2020). Blacks were twice as likely as whites to say the shooting raised important issues about race. In addition, 65 percent of blacks said the police response went too far, compared with 33 percent of whites. However, other bystanders who feel the excess shot to the head and escalation of force was unnecessary and possibly deliberate feel differently. As stated by Edward F and Lisa S. (2006) True leaders consider their cohorts as not only the people who follow them but they also look at them as the people who are striving to serve the same objective which they have. The report describes my ethical mind and how it influences my practices as a moral leader. The outcome I will address in this paper is explaining the process for executing responsibilities dutifully and deliberatively (ACPA & NASPA, 2015). The initiative to bring the subjects together increases the chances of being happy and provides a better opportunity to attain a common goal. Their first instinct is to protect the community at large and then, of course, themselves. The events transpired so quickly there was no time for that, but I wonder if ethical leadership came into play, wouldnt verifying both sides be the best way to move forward? ?>. My leadership technique requires me to work with others to identify the needed changes and formulate a vision to steer changes through motivation and implement the change in line with dedicated team members (Trevino & Nelson, 2017). According to Covey "sow a thought, leap an action; sow an action, leap a habit; sow a habit, leap a character; sow a character, leap a destiny (Covey 1989, p. 22).". PhDessay is an educational resource where over 1,000,000 free essays are collected. Staleness: It is one of the major reason that hinder leaders to act ethically, this is something which occurs when the leader is on the same job for too long and do not see any further creativity in it. I start to question our relationship. Authorization Discounts for the with code: writingorder15 Consequently, my ethical mind drives me to consider an action as morally wrong if they do not produce happiness. Not only the executives, but all the employees must have the knowledge about the organizational values and they must be behaving in accordance. It seems to me that this exchange went off script and without a video documentation or other trust witnesses (those who came forward were said to have changed their testimony for various reasons), those in power to try and bring justice to Browns death were unable to do so. Trevino, L., & Nelson, K. (2017). My Initial Thoughts & Ideas on What It Means to Be an Ethical Leader: Ethical Leadership is leading in a way that is guided by one's conscience or moral compass, with regard for others' feelings and future consequences, good or bad. Certainly many people feel that race tied into the forced used, but regardless of race, swift action that involved multiple gunshots seems worthy of discussion. Ethical leaders seem to me to listen well and take time to absorb the information and decide what the best plan of attack will be. Retrieved from https://phdessay.com/developing-ethical-leadership-essay/, Hire skilled expert and get original paper in 3+ hours, Run a free check or have your essay done for you, Didn`t find the right sample? Stricker, et. Perhaps we need not be so lenient on those with such power within our community. By having ethical leadership skills will strengthen my ability to influence other to do the correct thing while enhancing their lives. I think we as a country need to continue to hold authority figures in check and we need to be ensured that their work is honest and by the book. I hate that some police officers muddy the waters and public persona of the work they do to protect and serve. STR 591 Phoenix Campus Save time and let our verified experts help you. Moreover, I mostly borrow from other ethical leaders to ensure that I remain on track with how I practice my leadership. Week 1, July 18, 2012 According to D.M. Leadership is a form of power or mandate that legitimately gives one the authority to bear certain responsibilities. Typically, morale is higher in the workplace when people are getting along with each other. Becoming an Ethical Leader Becoming an ethical leader is a simple task. The course helps me understand that as an ethical leader, I may have to reject some of the moral systems and codes that comprise prohibitions or directives based on orders, traditions, and customs instituted by supernatural forces and leaders (Gardner, 2007). The officer, Darren Wilson, believed Brown to be a threat and moving aggressively toward him. At what point does excessive force become part of the conversation, as well as the race of the victim? Ethical issues with regards to confidentiality, development of inappropriate relationships and roles with clients and discrimination and imposition of personal values are some of the common issues a counselor will face during the course of their practice.
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