Psychopathology refers to the study of mental disorders in terms of their causes, development, course, classification, and treatment. Available from: Kuss DJ, Griffiths MD, Karila L, Billieux J. Internet addiction: a systematic review of epidemiological research for the last decade. Surkan, P.J., Ettinger, A.K., Hock, R.S., Ahmed, S., Strobino, D.M., Minkovitz, C.S. Zygosity was determined by the agreement of three separate estimates: (1) a standard zygosity questionnaire completed by parents, (2) an evaluation by MTFS staff regarding the physical similarity between the twins, and (3) an algorithm comparing twins on ponderal and cephalic indices and fingerprint ridge counts. Psychopathology refers to the study of mental disorders in terms of their causes, development, course, classification, and treatment. Lilienfeld SO. Introduction . Meaning in life and adjustment amongst early adolescents in Hong Kong. Hahn A, Jerusalem M. Internetsucht: Validierung eines Instruments und explorative Hinweise auf personale Bedingungen (Internet addiction: Validation of an instrument and explorative evidence on personal causes. The individuals with Internet addiction in the OCD group received the following doses of medication: Five patients received 150-200 mg fluvoxamine/d, four received 150-200 mg sertraline/d, one received 60 mg fluoxetine/d, and the final one received 200 mg clomipramine/d. Chon KK, Hahn DW, Lee CH, Spielberger CD. 1999) with kappas ranging from 0.78 (social phobia) to 0.95 (adult antisocial behavior). The https:// ensures that you are connecting to the Cooke DJ, Michie C. Refining the construct of psychopathy: towards a hierarchical model. All enrolled participants gave written informed consent, and the study was approved by Emory University Institutional Review Board. Furthermore, another study[197] including 368 Internet addiction treatment seekers showed that 30.9% met the diagnostic criteria for bipolar spectrum disorders, and this study also evidenced generally increased psychopathological symptomatology (including substance use disorders, affective and personality disorders). Behavioural inhibition, behavioural activation, and affective responses to impending reward and punishment: The BIS/BAS scales. In the included studies, sample sizes ranged from a case study of a male in Australia presenting with the problem of generalised pathological Internet use[112] to a total of 1826 clients sampled from 15 inpatient alcohol addiction rehabilitation centres in Germany, of which 71 also presented with Internet addiction and were then compared to a control group of 58 patients treated for alcohol addiction only[188]. Smith SS, Newman JP. propos de la diffrence entre une smiologie troite, c'est--dire simplement rive aux symptmes, et une rflexion approfondie qui fonde la psychopathologie, Eugne Minkovski crivait en 1929: Certes, quand il s'agit de rdiger un certificat d'internement ou d'enseigner les lments de la psychiatrie au mdecin praticien, les hallucinations, les ides dlirantes, les impulsions, les ractions anti-sociales, l'agitation, la dpression, suffisent amplement. Donias S, Karastergiou A, Manos N. Standardization of the symptom checklist-90-R rating scale in a Greek population. This will furthermore contribute to providing an incentive for public policy and healthcare providers to offer funding for those who need professional help. Perkonigg A, Kessler RC, Storz S, Wittchen HU. Schizotypy is a category used La distinction entre normal et pathologique a fait l'objet de nombreuses discussions, tant la frontire entre les deux est parfois difficile dfinir[6]. Conceptual problems in the assessment of psychopathy. Du et al[65] did not find significant differences between experimental and control groups in the post-test measure of Internet overuse, although the intervention group improved their time management (efficacy and time control) and other skills (emotional symptoms, conduct problems, hyperactivity, peer relationships and prosocial behaviours) significantly, and this was maintained until a six-month follow-up. You may have arrived at this page because you followed a link to one of our old platforms that cannot be redirected. Powers A, Ressler KJ, Bradley RG. Lykken DT. The content included an introduction to the therapy goal, teaching, activities, homework assignment and sharing. Antidepressants can help relieve symptoms of depression and some can be taken while you're breastfeeding. CBT was the most frequently applied psychological therapy to treat Internet addiction. Mednick SA, Gabrielli WF, Hutchings B. Despite these diverging phenotypic associations with indicators of Int and Ext, the extent to which psychopathic traits relate to these broad factors of psychopathology at a genetic level remains unclear. masquer. Ultimately, research and clinical initiatives need to focus on providing the best possible care for individuals who experience significant impairment and distress as a consequence of their Internet use. Young K, Pistner M, OMara J, Buchanan J. Cyber disorders: the mental health concern for the new millennium. In medicine, patho-has a more specific meaning of disease (thus pathology has meant the study of disease since 1610, and ET, Monday Friday The current body of literature regarding substance abuse and PTSD has mostly focused on either military or veteran populations or on treatment-seeking substance-dependent individuals. Ce dsir, videmment, a quelque chose de rvolutionnaire. Correlations in bold and italicized are significant and significantly different for men and women. Sullivan TP, Holt LJ. Perceived parent-child relational qualities and parental behavioral and psychological control in Chinese adolescents in Hong Kong. Ten outpatient sessions of 45 min were used, and seven of these took place within a period of 2.5 mo. Following treatment, Internet addiction was significantly reduced in the CBT group and other measures showed improvement (e.g., anxiety and life satisfaction), while depression severity did not change. 1999; Iacono & McGue, 2002). Cruzado Daz L, Matos Retamozo L, Kendall Folmer R. Adiccin a internet: Perfil clnico y epidemiolgico de pacientes hospitalizados en un instituto nacional de salud. Before The substance for which the participant evinced the maximal number of symptoms was used as their number of drug dependence symptoms. The only group approach that did not include a family intervention was the R/T group counselling programme, which specifically addressed Internet addiction[23]. This may be attributable to the high proportion of substitue caregivers at the SW site. To receive email updates. Manual for the Multidimensional Personality Questionnaire. Moreover, group therapy may create a safe environment in which the sensitive topic of Internet-use related addiction can be discussed openly. Shek DT, Tang VM, Lo CY. Alcohol and drug abuse-dependence disorders in psychopathic and nonpsychopathic criminal offenders. 1101 Wootton Pkwy, Rockville, MD 20852 1-800-994-9662 Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. The results of comorbidity and differential diagnosis analyses revealed the following. In men, but not women, Ext was also significantly correlated with Fearless Dominance, but this gender difference was not significant. Appetite; 87(1): 259282. Trauma exposure and stress-related disorders in inner city primary care patients. The improvements persisted until four-month follow up. Pour Freud, les concepts de nvrose et de psychose sont les plus oprants en ce qui concerne une classification des troubles psychiques[9] mais il prend soin, notamment travers son ouvrage Psychopathologie de la vie quotidienne de faire remarquer que la psychanalyse ne se rduit pas au seul domaine du pathologique[10]. Liberatore KA, Rosario K, Coln-De Mart LN, Martnez KG. A twin study of self-reported psychopathic personality traits. 8600 Rockville Pike Specifically, the clinical profile delineated by Cleckley includes several features of overt adjustment (e.g. Washington, D. C. Eating Disorder Inventory-2: Professional manual. 0000005613 00000 n Il n'en est plus de mme quand, en psychologues, nous essayons de comprendre le fond qui conditionne tous les troubles dont je viens de parler et sont dj forts complexes de par leur nature. If you feel empty, emotionless, or sad all or most of the time for longer than 2 weeks during or after pregnancy, reach out for help. Beitrge aus Wissenschaft und Praxis. government site. National Library of Medicine Psychopathy is a disorder marked by a constellation of maladaptive personality traits. Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Axis I Disorders: Clinician Version (SCID-CV): Administration booklet. Cependant, la notion de norme se rfre celle de moyenne. However, the amplitudes were similar in both groups. Griffiths MD, van Rooij A, Kardefelt-Winther D, Starcevic V, Kirly O, Pallesen S, Mller K, Dreier M, Carras M, Prause N, et al. Resource loss, coping, alcohol use, and posttraumatic stress symptoms among survivors of Hurricane Katrina: a cross-sectional study. A further study used a combination of individualised and group therapy, namely Short-Term Treatment for Internet and Computer Game Addiction[192]. The phases included (1) emphasising controlled and healthy Internet use; (2) promoting understanding of the change process through different stages from pre-contemplation to relapse, (3) using the MI model[218] for Internet addiction; (4) adopting a family perspective by using a systemic approach; (5) applying a multi-level counselling model including the patient, his/her family and his/her peers; and (6) using individual and group therapy to facilitate the intervention. Fu KW, Chan WS, Wong PW, Yip PS. The .gov means its official. Bandelow B. Assessing the efficacy of treatments for panic disorder and agoraphobia. An official website of the United States government. Emotion and temperament in psychopathy. Patterns of Internet addiction in Korea. The Stress Concept. Results of a representative study in East and West Germany]. Finally, a number of studies have simultaneously included different forms of therapy, namely psychological treatment supplemented with other types of psychological therapy[138,180], pharmacotherapy[21,25,139] or electroacupuncture therapy[219]. In: Millon T, Simonsen E, Birket-Smith M, Davis R, editors. Claes L, Mller A, Norr J, Van Assche L, Wonderlich S, Mitchell JE. 9 a.m. 6 p.m. The group of Internet addicts were students treated using classical CBT in a group ranging from six to ten participants. Young KS. Openness involves six facets, or dimensions: active imagination (fantasy), aesthetic sensitivity, attentiveness to inner feelings, preference for variety (adventurousness), intellectual curiosity, and challenging authority (psychological liberalism). The lifetime prevalence of BPD is approximately 5.9% and the point prevalence of BPD is 1.6% [6,7].Although the prevalence of BPD is not higher than other personality disorders in the general population, BPD has a high prevalence in treatment settings; BPD was present in 6.4% of primary care visits, 9.3% of psychiatric outpatients and 20% of Hyphantis T, Antoniou K, Floros D, Valma V, Pappas A, Douzenis A, Assimakopoulos K, Iconomou G, Kafetzopoulos E, Garyfallos G, et al. Childhood trauma quartile analyses demonstrate increased levels of PTSD symptomology, both in PSS total score (F = 27.92, P<.001) as well as across the symptom clusters (Intrusive: F = 18.43, P<.001; Avoidance/Numbing: F = 25.18, P<.001; Hyperarousal: F = 19.56, P<.001) with higher level of childhood trauma exposure. Hirschfeld RM, Williams JB, Spitzer RL, Calabrese JR, Flynn L, Keck PE, Lewis L, McElroy SL, Post RM, Rapport DJ, et al. in the present study. Patton JH, Stanford MS, Barratt ES. Development of Chinese Internet Addiction Scale and its psychometric study. Baker RW, Siryk B. Brophy CJ, Norvell NK, Kiluk DJ. , une conception de la "normalit" empreinte du sadisme li aux statistiques ou aux idaux, La psychopathologie peut tre dfinie comme une approche visant une comprhension raisonne de la souffrance psychique. Measure characteristics: mean (SD) for each variable. Ko CH, Yen JY, Chen SH, Yang MJ, Lin HC, Yen CF. Psychotherapy: Understanding group therapy: American Psychological Association, 2015. Therefore, we also examined the degree of genetic overlap between psychopathic traits and these broader psychopathological domains to further clarify the underlying etiological bases of psychopathy and its relations with common mental disorders. Recently, Hare (2003) introduced the PCL-R (2nd edn), which consists of four facets labeled interpersonal, affective, lifestyle, and antisocial. Externalizing was calculated in the same manner using symptoms of adult antisocial behavior, conduct disorder, and alcohol, nicotine, and drug dependence. Ko CH, Yen JY, Chen CS, Yeh YC, Yen CF. It is an international, interdisciplinary journal devoted to experimental According to the American Psychological Association[249], the benefits of group therapy include establishing a support network of individuals who experience similar problems and are faced with similar difficulties. Location . Die Symptom-Checkliste von Derogatis - Deutsche Version - Manual, 2. vollstndig berarbeitete und neu normierte Auflage. It is also worth noting that sex differences were found in the genetic correlations between the psychopathic traits and psychopathology with Fearless Dominance genetically correlated with Ext in men only, and Impulsive Antisociality genetically correlated with Int in women only. Although we predicted that this effect of multiple traumatization would not be independent of PTSD symptoms, alcohol and marijuana (but not cocaine) use still increased significantly across childhood trauma quartiles even after controlling for PTSD. Marijuana was the most common substance of abuse with 44.8% of a subset of 373 participants who completed that section of the questionnaire falling in the dependency group. Introduction. Attention deficit hyperactivity symptoms and internet addiction. Posttraumatic stress disorder and substance use in inner-city adolescent girls. Differences between chat room and e-mail sampling approaches in Chinese men who have sex with men. Working towards an international consensus on criteria for assessing Internet Gaming Disorder: A critical commentary on Petry et al. souhaite]. La psychopathologie (des mots grecs: psukh, me et pathos, maladie) est l'tude scientifique et clinique des troubles psychiques (ou troubles mentaux) par la psychologie ou la psychiatrie. Based on in-depth interviews with 20 Internet addiction treatment experts from Europe and North America, Kuss and Griffiths[11] found that in inpatient and outpatient clinical settings, Internet addiction and Internet-use related problems are associated with significant impairment and distress for individuals, which have been emphasised as the criteria demarcating mental disorders[12]. Revision notes for the AS and A-level psychology social influence topic on the paper 1 exam. The therapy focused on an undesirable online behaviour and replacing it with a healthy behaviour, which would simultaneously induce a change in the family relationships. Sheehan DV, Lecrubier Y, Sheehan KH, Amorim P, Janavs J, Weiller E, Hergueta T, Baker R, Dunbar GC. Poli R, Agrimi E. Internet addiction disorder: prevalence in an Italian student population. Development and preliminary psychometric properties of an instrument for the measurement of childhood trauma: the Early Trauma Inventory. This methodology typically involves the estimation of additive genetic (a2), shared environmental (c2), and non-shared environmental effects (e2). This indicates that for women, genetic effects that contribute to Impulsive Antisociality increase the risk for the expression of both Int and Ext symptoms. When you are pregnant, levels of the female hormones estrogen and progesterone are the highest theyll ever be. Personal characteristics related to the risk of adolescent internet addiction: a survey in Shanghai, China. The results indicated that the administered psychopharmacological treatment provided successful results for the video game addiction group, as it decreased craving, playing time, and cue-induced brain activity. This arguably limits the analysis to a specific diagnosis of a potential disorder that has not yet been officially recognised in the Western world, rather than a comprehensive and inclusive investigation of Internet-use related addictions (including problematic Internet use) more generally. But if you have any of the following symptoms of depression for more than 2 weeks, call your doctor, nurse, or midwife: Some women dont tell anyone about their symptoms. and transmitted securely. The presence of eating disorders was assessed using the Eating Disorder Inventory 2[52,53]. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5). Huebner ES. Canguilhem propose encore le concept danomalie qui se dfinirait comme ce qui se laisse voir en se dgageant de lensemble lisse et uni qui lentoure. In 2002, the South Korean government-funded National Information Society Agency has opened the first Internet addiction prevention counselling centre worldwide, and has since developed large-scale projects (including prevention, training, counselling, treatment, and policy formulation) to tackle the pervasive problem of technology overuse[14]. Internet addiction in Chinese adolescents in Hong Kong: assessment, profiles, and psychosocial correlates. MZ, Monozygotic twins; DZ, Dizygotic twins; CI, confidence interval. Widiger TA, Lynam DR. Psychopathy as a variant of common personality traits: Implications for diagnosis, etiology, and pathology. In terms of psychometric measures, in the majority of studies, Youngs popular Internet Addiction Test[48], the IAT, was used[26,32,72,93,106,109,118,143,146]. The effect of methylphenidate on Internet video game play in children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Antisocial personality disorder and depression in relation to alcoholism: a community-based sample. Researchers think this sudden change in hormone levels may lead to depression.2 This is similar to hormone changes before a womans period but involves much more extreme swings in hormone levels. about navigating our updated article layout. positively correlated with weekly online hours in IAD patients, To evaluate the pilot treatment for IA created for the Dutch care organization (to explore the possibility of using an existing CBT and MI based treatment programme (lifestyle training) from therapists experiences with 12 Internet addicts. A. The new PMC design is here! Sleep when the baby is sleeping. Currently, the diagnostic and research landscape appears particularly broad, and diagnostic criteria used to identify the potential disorder are not globally agreed upon. Cloninger CR, Gottesman II. There was a significant additive effect of number of types of childhood trauma experienced with lifetime cocaine dependence in predicting current PTSD symptoms, and this effect was independent of levels of adult trauma. (2019). Schizoaffective disorder is a category used for individuals showing aspects of both schizophrenia and affective disorders. Your body and mind go through many changes during and after pregnancy. In the current study, we examined and extended findings showing the links between childhood trauma exposure, substance use, and PTSD. Nonetheless, Benning et al. CONCLUSION: A consensus regarding diagnostic criteria and measures is needed to improve reliability across studies and to develop effective and efficient treatment approaches for treatment seekers. The Ethics Code is intended to provide guidance for An official website of the United States government. Openness involves six facets, or dimensions: active imagination (fantasy), aesthetic sensitivity, attentiveness to inner feelings, preference for variety (adventurousness), intellectual curiosity, and challenging authority (psychological liberalism). MPQ data were available for 1122 individuals (men=502, women= 620). Assessment of family functioning in Chinese adolescents: The Chinese Family Assessment Instrument. Nie NH, Hillygus DS, Erbring L. Internet use, interpersonal relations, and sociability: A time diary study. Make time to go out, visit friends, or spend time alone with your partner. Guy W. ECDEU Assessment Manual for Psychopharmacology. 0000001029 00000 n 2003). Paper 2: Psychology in Context Biopsychology Research Methods Approaches. Yes. Mothers can also experience anxiety disorders during or after pregnancy. Conceptualisations vary substantially and include criteria derived from pathological gambling, substance-related addictions and the number of problems experienced. A new treatment approach to treat Internet addiction combined CBT and MI with an on-the-job Lifestyle Training programme[180]. Gender differences in trauma-related risk factors for alcohol and drug abuse have also been reported. Manual for the Dimensional Assessment of Personality Pathology - Basic Questionnaire (DAPP-BQ). Taking medicines for depression or going to therapy does not make you a bad mother or a failure. Georges Canguilhem propose de substituer la notion de normativit celle de norme et la notion dordre celle de valeur. Prevention, diagnostics, and therapy of computer game addiction. Invited address. Researchers are recommended to collaborate to establish a consensus regarding diagnostic criteria and measures in order to improve the reliability across studies and to develop effective and efficient treatment approaches for treatment seekers. Hamilton M. Development of a rating scale for primary depressive illness. Factor analytic research (Harpur et al. Internet addiction was assessed using the Korean version of Youngs Internet Addiction Scale[87]. Using this approach, the amount of shared variance between the psychopathy traits and Int or Ext was partitioned into its genetic and environmental components. Carver CS, White TL. The current study confirms previous findings of a strong relationship between adverse childhood experience and subsequent substance use and poor mental health outcomes, particularly PTSD.42 In all subjects, physical abuse correlated with the use of all substances examined, while sexual abuse in childhood associated with cocaine and marijuana use only, suggesting differential effects of abuse type on substance use. De l le dsir d'largir les conceptions courantes, voire d'envisager les troubles mentaux sous un angle tout diffrent de celui auquel nous sommes habitus. 1Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, Georgia, 2Department of Human Genetics, Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, Georgia, 3Atlanta VA Medical Center, Decatur, Georgia, 4Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Chevy Chase, Maryland, 5Yerkes National Primate Research Center, Atlanta, Georgia. Patrick CJ. The effect of childhood trauma on PTSD severity was also found to be independent of adult trauma. 9 a.m. 6 p.m. : document utilis comme source pour la rdaction de cet article. Eriksson M, Lindstrm B. Validity of Antonovskys sense of coherence scale: a systematic review. Thus, the multiple Rs reported in this article represent dis-attenuated multiple Rs for Fearless Dominance and Impulsive Antisociality that were previously described in Benning et al. Lwe B, Decker O, Mller S, Brhler E, Schellberg D, Herzog W, Herzberg PY. Patrick CJ. A notable finding regarding Fearless Dominance and Impulsive Antisociality is that they exhibit divergent phenotypic relations with Int and Ext psychopathology (Benning et al. Brayfield A. Martindale: The complete drug reference. Therefore, for men, relations with Int disorders refer to lifetime symptoms assessed at age 20. superficial charm and good intelligence, absence of nervousness or psychoneurosis, suicide rarely carried out) which serve to mask a severe and underlying behavioral pathology in the psychopath (e.g. Alternatively, Internet use and gaming may serve as a method to escape real-life problems, effectively resulting in avoidance coping, which may exacerbate stress and negative feelings, and lead to negative consequences, including addiction and depression[235]. A number of studies included particular samples, such as individuals sampled via phone consultations (i.e., including 86% relatives of the affected individuals)[43], patients sampled in alcohol rehabilitation centres[130], patients diagnosed with obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD)[46], and female patients treated for eating disorders[50].
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