What led to the rebellion in 1811? (1073) The willingness to undertake such action cannot be based on certainties, but on those possibilities glimpsed in a reading of history different from the customary painful recounting of human cruelties. (559) The royal dukes, John and Charles, had already taken measures to depose him; and in July the rebellion broke out in Osterg3tland. Salah Saleh, a doctor and former medical director at the main hospital in the provincial capital of Genena, said the clashes wounded at least 79 others. (407) The End Room was the scene of my most overt act of schoolday rebellion, when I threw a chair at the teacher. (924) This policy speedily led to a formidable rebellion, headed by Thankmar, the kings halfbrother, a fierce warrior, who fancied that he had a prior claim to the crown, and who secured a number of followers in Saxony. The reintroduction of conscription sparked off a major rebellion. (1044) As a result of the rebellion of 1173-1174 it was provided that an oath of fealty should be taken by all, to wit, barons, knights, freeholders and even villeins (rustici) , and that any one who refused should be arrested as the king's enemy, and the justices were to see that the castles whose demolition had been ordered were completely razed. (1086) What is the best definition of "rebellion"? (620) The sickness she sees in the world is real, and her rejection of it is a teenage rebellion extreme in degree, but no different in kind . www.use-in-a-sentence.com English words and Examples of Usage use "rebellion" in a sentence The Serb population came back, but the amnesty did not apply to the leader of the rebellion, Bishop Teodor Nestorovic, who was flayed as a punishment. (116) The troops suppressed the rebellion by firing on the mob. (395) Kelly seems to have conceived what became his last stand as an act of mutinous rebellion and mass murder. (908) During Kett's rebellion he was allowed to preach in the rebels' camp on Mousehold Hill, but without much effect; and later on he encouraged his chaplain, Alexander Neville, to write his history of the rising. (815) Italian Renaissance artists tried to ignore winter.In fact, when Bruegel dwelt on snow, ice and heavy clothes, it was an act of rebellion and an assertion of north European identity. (222) All the Cuban people were going to rise up in rebellion against Fidel Castro. (389) Locke is anxious to defend his political philosophy against the accusation that it encourages rebellion. (814) Her caution had its reward, for whatever she did was permanently gained, whereas her successor in his boundless zeal for reform brought his empire to the verge of a general rebellion. I was stubborn. (1017) The first duty was to effect the relief of the British forces which had been rendered immobile, and another duty imposed by political circumstances was to relieve Kimberley (where Cecil Rhodes was), while the prospect of rebellion forbade the complete denudation of the central part of the colony. (746) Teachers also doubt whether the ban is enforceable, especially with young teenagers for whom rebellion often trumps any inclination to follow a teachers instructions. (65) Oppression provoked the people to rebellion. (343) Akbar paid the price in an abortive rebellion by his son, claiming to be a defender of the faith. Reading outside news was considered an act of. (889) The prime mover of the great rebellion of 1648, which shook the Polish state to its very foundations, was the Cossack Bohdan Chmielnicki (q.v. (819) Today, the society of entrepreneurial individuals competing in the rational market reveals unplumbed depths of misery and despair; it spawns a nihilistic rebellion against order itself. Greg lost his job and was looking for a way to escape the. )- after the birth of Solomon and before the struggle between Solomon and Adonijah - may represent the view that the suspicion that he was not the destined heir of his father's throne excited the impulsive youth to rebellion. (190) 2In 1A student rebellion in Paris sparked off a nationwide general strike. And at this point in my life looking back, I did a little bit of that, but I kind of ended up running into a nine to five job on accident. (866) Despite three attempts at rebellion in 522 BC 521 BC and 482 BC the land and city of Babylon remained solidly under Persian rule for two centuries until Alexander the Great s entry in 331 BC. But sorrow thou not over (these) people without Faith. (734) So its this combination of respect for the tradition and community were in, and rebellion that the community requires to get anywhere, that makes science work. Short & Simple Example Sentence For Rebellion | Rebellion Sentence The stronger soul was in rebellion against Providence. (628) The rebellion of fellow Armenians in Nagorno-Karabakh had an immediate effect in Armenia itself. (1112) The Word "rebellion" in Example Sentences. (45) They were accused of fomenting rebellion. (1079) He here breaks with Augustine and the Westminster Confession by arguing, consistently with his theory of the Will, that Adam had no more freedom of will than we have, but had a special endowment, a supernatural gift of grace, which by rebellion against God was lost, and that this gift was withdrawn from his descendants, not because of any fictitious imputation of guilt, but because of their real participation in his guilt by actual identity with him in his transgression. (762) Free African Americans were allowed to vote until 1835, when the state revoked their suffrage in restrictions following the slave rebellion of 1831 led by Nat Turner. (155) This culture prizes conformity, and frowns on any form of rebellion. (618) Afterwards it came into the possession of the Norman barons Malet or Mallet, one of whom was fined for rebellion in the reign of King John. These two independent clauses can be combined with a comma and a coordinating conjunction or with a semicolon. It is not about the right attitude. An example of a rebellion is a refusal by a large group of people to follow a law. As individuals belonging to a society, whether it is your family or a community, there are rules that should be followed and when you break them . He pursues us in our brokenness. The verb is the action the person or thing takes or the description of the person or thing. Politicians are fickle and they care about perception. An observation of this truth should render honest republican governors so mild in their punishment of rebellions, as not to discourage them too much. (174) The biggest act of rebellion right now is remaining defiantly hopeful. It is the revelation that cometh to thee from thy Lord, that increaseth in most of them their obstinate, The royal family itself was not free from his attacks; after the Day of Dupes (1630) he allowed the queen-mother to die in exile, and publicly dishonoured the kings brother Gaston of Orleans by the publication of his confessions; Marshal de Marillac was put to the torture for his ingratitude, and the constable de Montmorency for, This was due partly to the excessive proselytizing energy of the Angevins, which provoked, The subsequent history of Benares contains two important events, the, Shortly after the edict by which the king had proclaimed his alliance with Thebes, and the conditions of the general peace which he was going to impose upon Greece, his weakness became evident, for since;56 all the satraps of Asia Minor (Datames, Ariobarzanes, Mausolus, Orontes, Artabazus) were in, It is the key to an understanding of the times to remember that the War of Independence had disjointed society; and democracy - which Jefferson had proclaimed in the Declaration of Independence, and enthroned in Virginia - after strengthening its rights by the sword, had run to excesses, particularly in the Shays', It is, of course, true that the ethical conception of sin as violation of righteousness and an act of, According to the American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, the definition of the word rebellion is an act or a show of defiance toward an authority or established convention. (993) Whenever you see confusion, you can be sure that something is wrong. (775) Therefore thus saith Jehovah, Behold, I will send thee away from off the face of the earth: this year thou shalt die, because thou hast spoken rebellion against Jehovah. The president wanted immediate action. (320) There was a Labour rebellion when some left-wing MPs voted against the Chancellor's tax cuts. (147) 2He was prepared to suppress rebellion by shooting down protesters. (154) 1. (1042) Darfur and Kordofan.On the outbreak of the mahdis rebellion Slatin Bey was governor of the province, and when Madibbo, the insurgent sheikh of Rizighat, attacked and occupied Shakka and was following up his success, Slatin twice severely defeated him, and, having concentrated his forces at El Fasher, repulsed the enemy again at Om Shanga. How could you turn away from the LORD and build yourselves an altar in rebellion against him now? (611) In 762 there was a rebellion in favour of a descendant of 'Ali, but it was put down with great severity by the army of the caliph Mansur. All the parts of speech in English are used to make sentences. (391) Olle Loman and Johan Jansson were the first foreigners to be seized during the rebellion in Kashmir. To understand the conditions which facilitated these alliances requires a consideration of the rebellion's institutional context rather than a narrow assessment of individual responsibility. (459) The thought lit a spark of rebellion, and slowly she sat up, pushing tousled hair back from her tear-streaked face. (947) For the next three years Charles had to contend with rebellion after rebellion, and it was only after his great victory over all the elements of rapine and disorder at Rozgony (June 15,1312) that he was really master in his own land. (1010) His policy of living at peace with England and of arranging marriages between the members of the royal families of the two countries did not commend itself to the turbulent section of his nobles; his artistic tastes and lavish expenditure added to the discontent, and a rebellion broke out. (729) To get around this problem, you could restart the service that owns the log file, although this service interruption might cause a rebellion among your users. (1041) After the rebellion relief was accorded because the obstacle was removed, and it is evident that a broad-minded statesman, or a skilful diplomat, would have accomplished more for French Canada than the fiery eloquence and dubious methods of a leader who plunged his followers into the throes of war, and deserted them at the supreme moment. (263) He had scarcely entered on his duties when the rebellion of June broke out in Prague. Women also express themselves via hair, but only men can cover two-thirds of their faces with anguished cries for help from their very souls. (486) Howard has a bent for rebellion and grand causal schemes and shares that and other preoccupations with his grandparents. (332) A year later, the desks of five Southern delegations sat empty, the first states in rebellion. (737) Most people had been through those youthful devil-may-care days. (721) Insurrection and rebellion triumphed everywhere, and all that Sigismund could do was to minimize the mischief as much as possible by his moderation and courage. (718) Even as she was struggling to keep her government together, Trump gloated about the rebellion, tweeting Monday that Germans are turning against their leaders. (73) now you wear his hat, as a badge or rebellion. Looking for sentences and phrases with the word rebellion? (135) A little adolescent rebellion is commonly believed to be healthy. Ralph Ellison's "Repent Harlequin! (462) Their chiefs, Indutiomarus, who raised a rebellion against the Romans in 54 B.C., and his successor Cingetorix have. It was her moment of rebellion against the tyranny of tradition. When we come to the end of ourselves, we find Jesus. 458 179 The Astrakhan rebellion (1706), which affected all the districts under his government, shook Peter's confidence in him, and seriously impaired his position. In 1273, the Hortatzi brothers became the leaders of a great rebellion. (959) The rebellion spread like lightning, principally in the central or purely Magyar provinces, where hundreds of manor-houses and castles were burnt and thousands of the gentry done to death by impalement, crucifixion and other unspeakable methods. (79) i see traditional music like a kind of rebellion, (80) it was a group called the new hampshire rebellion. (591) He put down the rebellion of his brother Zareh, and is praised as a mild and generous monarch, who made concessions to the Christians. (393) The authorities acted quickly to quash the student rebellion, sending in tanks to cow the demonstrators. As a late 19th-century governor of Madagascar, he abolished the 350-year-old monarchy on the island. (649) The privilege of the writ of habeas corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in cases of rebellion or invasion the public safety may require it. (914) Ummanigas afterwards assisted in the revolt of Babylonia under Samassum-yukin, but his nephew, a second Tammaritu, raised a rebellion against him, defeated him in battle, cut off his head and seized the crown. (851) Roundhead points of view, various forms of Puritanism and other forms of religious rebellion, are antiestablishment, and yet they are all coded within the discourse of the Christian religion. Hope is not comfortable or easy. (126) 1The armed rebellion was stamped out by the government army. (356) O'Reilly put down the rebellion with determination and in accord with the instructions of his king. (52) nno i mean, that rebellion was a problem. (522) 2Instead townspeople speak of Maan's glorious role in sparking another great rebellion, the Arab revolt against the Ottomans. (95) The speaker tried to incite the people to rebellion. Conformity and Rebellion Analysis. (280) But every time I try a meatless supper on the family, there are howls of rebellion. Where did Henry travel to. (303) The youth rebellion of the 1960 s had many elements of Nietzschean radical existentialism. But if you learn whole sentences with "rebellion", instead of the word "rebellion" by itself, you can learn a lot faster! Contrarily, the rebellion of literature is hidden. The foremost spiritual law of the physical universe is that this hope can never be realized. (807) This resolution paved the way for the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)-led military campaign to support the rebellion against Libyan leader Muammar al-Qaddafi's forces. (92) Who was blamed for the week long rebellion of 1866. (404) The mutiny was not Communist-inspired, but the spirit of rebellion was exploited to incite peasant risings. (926) On account of an incident that happened at Dundee - his slaughter of a young Englishman named Selby, for an insult offered to him - he is said to have been outlawed, and so driven into rebellion against the English. (541) An agitated inquiry which only found contradictory evidence was disturbed by the news of the Irish rebellion (28th of October). , $MMT = window.$MMT || {}; $MMT.cmd = $MMT.cmd || [];$MMT.cmd.push(function(){ $MMT.display.slots.push(["45ba4f61-76ac-4b3d-94d4-c9019d2ebe3c"]); }), $MMT = window.$MMT || {}; $MMT.cmd = $MMT.cmd || [];$MMT.cmd.push(function(){ $MMT.display.slots.push(["418b1e7b-a189-47b4-952a-43e52a926ad5"]); }), $MMT = window.$MMT || {}; $MMT.cmd = $MMT.cmd || [];$MMT.cmd.push(function(){ $MMT.display.slots.push(["9b588b9a-598a-47f4-bc83-ba2fd303e5df"]); }). (757) In 1857, a rebellion in north India led by mutinous Indian soldiers caused the British Parliament to transfer all political power from the East India Company to the Crown. The campaign carries echoes of a similar advertiser. He can also bring stubbornness, eccentricity, The ascendancy of monarchs is what keeps their subjects from, The severe punishment was meted out to the leaders in the, I really can't think about kissing when I've got a, Nevertheless other generals-Sanjurjo, the nominal head of the, Diplomatically changing sides, they joined with forces planning, God forbid that we should ever be twenty years without such a, Suddenly, all is possibleincluding transgression and private, 1The navy played a limited but significant role in defeating the, 2The navy played a limited but significant role in defeating the, When I was growing up, I saw this kind of, Moreover Hitler was forced to engage his forces in quelling the, Vespasian s son Titus remained in Judaea to deal with the Jewish, What wasn't the initial power base for Xiang Liang and Xiang Yu's, She had a passion for philosophy and the study of teenage angst and, But they are also more able to channel their feelings into acts of, Agitators were exciting the people to rebel/to, The navy played a limited but significant role in defeating the, Nevertheless other generals - Sanjurjo, the nominal head of the, All the Cuban people were going to rise up in, In 1837 discontent flared up into a pitiful little, For these dogs, there is no such thing as betrayal or, The novel ends with Sherif surrendering to the powers that crush his, The government said it would to whatever was necessary to smash the, if word gets out it could generate sympathy for the, He imposed new taxes in Hispania Ulterior after the end of Sertorius, now, i have seven kingdoms to look after and three of them are in open, Geoffrey was one of the key plotters against his father, rising twice in, civil unrest in a few isolated villages became the prologue to widespread, But every time I try a meatless supper on the family, there are howls of, as i recall, the mormonts fought against the targaryens during robert's, When this is a choice made against knowledge it becomes a serious act of, He was called a heretic and a rebel, but one who transformed his, Within four years, the dynasty's authority had collapsed in the face of, If we neither regard the deeds nor respect the works of God, it leads to, He had scarcely entered on his duties when the, Is this absence of black some kind of sad, For example, any questioning of authority is treated as, 1. (535) Although the rebellion had a huge impact on the state of the colonial power in India Tamil Nadu was mostly unaffected by it. (764) A violent act by a slave against a white person could never be just that; it always carried with it the implicit threat of slave rebellion and the overthrow of white power. (612) The sickness she sees in the world is real, and her rejection of it is a teenage rebellion extreme in degree, but no different in kind. (445) After the Watts rebellion, Johnsoh asked Hoover to expand his intelligence operations to include riot prediction. an attempt to replace one form of government with another or an organized act of defiance against authority, Because many workers feel they are underpaid, they sometimes participate in acts of rebellion like organized no shows. inflict on his fellow men a bondage, one hour of which is fraught with more misery than ages of that which he rose in, Supported by the viceroys of India, Lord Lawrence and Lord Mayo, Shere Ali remained on good terms with the British government for some years; but after the, Hope has a cost. (918) Meanwhile the position of Charles's opponents had been considerably strengthened by the suppression of a dangerous rebellion in November 1647 by Cromwell's intervention, and by the return of troops to obedience. (301) Campbell, and handed him a note inviting Virginia's legislature to end their rebellion. (1117) What is the origin and root of "rebellion". (145) in the 10 years that he spent crazily preparing for the rebellion. (1062) He had resided in England since the rebellion of 1745, and in 1747, a downpour of rain having prevented the departure of Frederick, prince of Wales, from the Egham races, Bute was summoned to his tent to make up a whist party; he immediately gained the favour of the prince and princess, became the leading personage at their court, and in 1750 was appointed by Frederick a lord of his bedchamber. She took those seemingly irreconcilable ideas and brought them together under a universal experience: His sister Urraca, who was believed to harbour an elicit passion for Alfonso, raised a, The militancy of sectarian party orthodoxy is fused with the militancy of, After the Romans left, Britain was invaded by Anglo-Saxon peoples. It is the revelation that cometh to thee from thy Lord, that increaseth in most of them their obstinate rebellion and blasphemy. (325) The last important resistance to modernization was crushed in the Satsuma rebellion of 1877. (863) In Washington, President Buchanan and Secretary of War John Floyd did not learn of the rebellion at Harpers Ferry until after ten o'clock that morning. (786) There is a style of music which has been invading the Church of Jesus Christ which is godless , immoral, and which leads Christians into rebellion and compromise with the world. (958) The mountain ranges in the south are largely inhabited by Miao-tsze, who are the original owners of the soil and have been constantly goaded into a state of rebellion by the oppression to which they have been subjected by the Chinese officials. (871) After the death of Decius Valerian retained the confidence of his successor, Trebonianus Gallus, who sent him to fetch troops to quell the rebellion of Aemilianus, governor of Moesia and Pannonia. (813) Edward ordered young Nigel Bruce and many other captives to be executed; for he was provoked to great wrath by the rebellion of a magnate who had given him every assurance of loyalty. (238) He imposed new taxes in Hispania Ulterior after the end of Sertorius rebellion. Detailed Definition and Meaning. Robert Heinlein. (763) However, eighteen months after the expulsion of the Ottomans there was still no Arab government in place, and a rebellion started by the Euphrates tribes was in full swing. (956) Protest is not a sign of rebellion or disconnectionat least, it shouldnt be. (963) During Shays's rebellion there was a riot here in September 1786, and on the 25th of January 1787 the insurgent forces under Daniel Shays attacked the arsenal, but were dispersed by the militia under Brigadier-General William Shepard (1737-1817). (552) Show that they had planned rebellion as well as mere escape, and both were put to death with some of their beck and accomplices. (287) Take, for instance, the typical and highly instructive case of Zebrzydowski's rebellion. (996) A vehement opponent of clan government - that is, usurpation of administrative posts by men of two or three fiefs, an abuse which threatened to follow the overthrow of the Tokugawa shogunate - he conspired to assist Saigo's rebellion and was imprisoned from 1878 until 1883. (115) Who started a rebellion against Han in the year AD 40? So the first one is -- these are the bursty words around 1860s -- slaves, emancipation, slavery, The Chinese People's Revolutionary Military Commission will be responsible for suppressing the ringleaders of, Subsequently, an emphasis on wing began secretly recruiting, opportunistic, This stood out: for its idiosyncrasy and scrupulousness, for its thoughtful, Those who submitted were forthwith received back into favour; those who persevered in, The last few years of his life, however, were disturbed by the, 2In 168five men were hanged at Wareham by order of the infamous Judge Jeffreys for participation in Monmouth's, Mindful, perhaps, of the events of 1801 and 1825, he feared aristocratic recalcitrance more than a peasant, and at lunchtime when hardened offenders gather to swap tales of teenage, Schrder's announcement of an early election unleashed a wave of horror , dismay and, Thus stimulated, the increasing disaffection culminated in the, Whatever is funny is subversive, every joke is ultimately a custard pie a dirty joke is a sort of mental, Faced with this loss of business, Valencia suffered a severe economic crisis.
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