Low water absorption, porosity, carbonation depth, freezing and thawing action, and dry shrinkage of UHPC make it usable in all types of aggressive environments. This cement also exhibits good workability and admixture compatibility, and does not possess false setting characteristics. Schmidt M, Fehling E, Teichmann T, et al. The ePub format is best viewed in the iBooks reader. Also FEM analysis was used to model the effect of The method. Su Y, Wu C, Li J, et al. It has a negative effect on both the mechanical and permeability properties of the concrete and the other durability properties of the concrete. 2016;145:3742. A freezethaw degradation was not observed in UHPC specimens after 800 freezingthawing cycles, which was attributed to fewer interconnected pores between the specimens [90]. 2012;2(10): 51075113. Experimental and numerical studies of ultra-high performance concrete targets against high-velocity projectile impacts. A Review on Ultra High Performance Concrete: Part II. The porosity of concrete can be reduced by reducing its water cement ratio while latter can be reduced by using superplasticizers, introducing very fine admixtures or packing the raw materials very closely, hence providing higher strength to the matrix [14,15]. Mechanical Properties of Ultra-High Performance Concrete before and after Exposure to High Temperatures. 57 March 2008; pp. Concr Intern. Mo Z., Wang R., Gao X. Hydration and Mechanical Properties of UHPC Matrix Containing Limestone and Different Levels of Metakaolin. The most important principle for the production of UHPC includes i) microstructure improvement ii) homogeneity enhancement iii) porosity reduction iv) excellent hydration and v) toughness betterment [8]. The presence of self-desiccation condition induces the rapid development of the autogenous shrinkage of UHPFRC at an early stage. Yoo DY, Kang ST, Yoon YS. Results showed that the tensile strength effectively increases (by 56% & 45%) due to incorporation of these nano materials (CNF & GNP respectively). July 14, 2018 Ultra-High Performance Concrete (UHPC) is a new class of concrete that is exceptionally strong and durable. Fuel 2008;87: 2401 2407. Cem Concr Compos. Ricker M, Hausler F, Randl N. Punching strength of flat plates reinforced with UHPC and double headed studs. Compos Struct. Andreasen AHM, Andersen J. Uber die Beziehungen zwischen Kornabstufungen und Zwischenraum in Produkten aus losen Kornern (mit einigen Experimenten). 4). Kang S, Choi J, Koh K, et al. Comparative shrinkage behavior of ultra-high-performance fiber reinforced concrete under ambient and heat curing conditions. 2016;123: 481492. Nguyen DL, Ryu GS, Koh KT, Kim DJ. Flexural strength sometimes may be a more important feature than the compressive strength of UHPC. Wong HC, Kwan AKH. Utilization of fly ash and ground granulated blast furnace slag as an alternative silica source in reactive powder concrete. To increase the packing density of concrete matrix. It can be noted that the density of UHPC increases with silica fume. 10. In addition, UHPCs low porosity and the evaporation of internal water are low, which minimizes drying shrinkage [8]. various research works in the past decade is 1.50 to 2.40 [OM]. Size effect on compressive strength of reactive powder concrete. According to the findings of the study, when compared to standard normal strength concrete beams, UHPC beams may have a poorer fire resistance [108]. of nano-silica after which a significant decrease has been observed. Maximum mechanical and durability performance was achieved at 2.0% addition of steel fiber by volume and hook-type fiber, further enhancing the performance of UHPC. 1997;173:122. Cem Concr Compos. In spite of all these advantages, it has some drawbacks also. The introduction of short discrete fibers into the concrete can be used to counteract and prevent the propagation of cracks. 2016;6:7480. Marine Performance of UHPC at Treat Island; Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on UHPC and Nanotechnology for High Performance Construction Materials; Kassel, Germany. de Larrard F., Sedran T. Optimization of Ultra-High-Performance Concrete by the Use of a Packing Model. Kim S, Kim MJ, Yoon H, Yoo DY. 2010;37(5):515520. Strength The compressive strength of ultra-high-performance concrete is ten times that of traditional concrete. This will increase the packing density, improves the hydration condition and densify the microstructure of UHPC, which will consequently enhance its mechanical strength and durability properties [104]. [2] suggest that ultra-high-performance concrete (UHPC) is a new type of cementitious composite made with extremely low water-to-binder ratios. 12. Zollo R.F. Fine mineral admixtures like silica fume, fly ash. Constr Build Mater. In contrast, Wang et al. Rice Husk Ash (RHA), Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag (GGBFS) and nano-particles are some other cement replacement materials which can play an indispensable role in improving the properties of UHPC. Tafraoui A, Escadeillas G, Thierry V. Durability of the ultra high performances concrete containing metakaolin. 1930;50:217 228. Furthermore, limited studies are available on the durability aspects of UHPC. The research is partially funded by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation under the strategic academic leadership program Priority 2030 (Agreement 075-15-2021-1333 dated 30 September 2021). Yoo DY, Shin HO, Yang JM, Yoon YS. Chen Y., Yu R., Wang X., Chen J., Shui Z. 2016;83: 5769. As already discussed in section 3.3, the UHPC mix design requires very low waterbinder ratio of 0.18 0.22 in comparison to conventional concrete. To simulate the situation of ultra-high-performance concrete under pressure in case of fire, we came up with the following research plan. 2011;41:11041111. Effectiveness of shrinkage- reducing admixture in reducing autogenous shrinkage stress of ultra-high-performance fiber-reinforced concrete. 2005;219(L1):6774. But it has been noticed that a completely dense packing is not befitting as the fresh concrete needs to flow to certain degree before it gets placed [21].Hence, addition of water- reducing agents in the mix will counteract the effect of low waterbinder ratio and fibres addition to maintain minimum required workability[10,21]. The efficiency of UHPC is particularly dependent on its density, which can be maximized by optimizing the particle packing to achieve ultra-high consolidation of the concrete matrix. Exploring Mechanical and Durability Properties of Ultra-High Performance Concrete Incorporating Various Steel Fiber Lengths and Dosages. Abstract With advances in concrete technology, ultra high performance concrete (UHPC) has become a new focus for researchers and the concrete industry. 2003; 100(5):426433. One of the new methods in this field is using externally bonded fiber-reinforced Concrete (FRC) sheets in order to increase RC member's shear and flexural strength. Khan MI, Al-Osta MA, Ahmad S, Rahman MK. Cem Concr Compos. Cem Concr Res. Table 4 shows a summary of the mechanical performance of UHPC. 565572. ACI Spec Publicat. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Ultra High Performance Concrete; Kassel, Germany; 2004. p. 133141. 2002;99(6):543548. This emerging technology report gives an overview of ultra-high-performance concrete. nano-silica) provides better flexural strength due to their stronger bond with hardened paste [124]. Furthermore, it can also improve the interfacial transition zone (ITZ) between aggregate/fiber and matrix to eliminate large preferentially oriented CH crystals, ultimately leading to improved homogeneity [17]. 2004;29(5):324327. Prem P.R., Bharatkumar B.H., Iyer N.R. In terms of flowability, samples with hook-end fibers exhibited the lowest values compared to those with straight fibers and corrugated fibers. 11. [111] Banthia N, Chokri K, Ohama Y, Mindess S. Fibre-reinforced cement based composites under tensile impact. 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Ultra-High Performance Concrete (FHWA-HRT-11-038). 2008;18(2):279282. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. Shear resistance of ultra-high- performance fibre-reinforced concrete. Norway: Trondheim; 2009. The mixture design should also promote economics. Int Jour Eng Sci Techol. 2012;34(2):185190. During fire, the concrete gets exposed to high temperature of 1000oC to 1200oC which produces some physical and chemical metamorphosis in the concrete matrix as shown in (Table 13). At 3 days of curing, flexure strength of 15% metakaolin is approximately equal to that of the reference concrete (7 days control concrete compressive strength), similar to the compressive strength. Ultra high performance concrete. Concrete structure, properties, and materials. Yuan Q., Shi C., De Schutter G., Audenaert K., Deng D. Chloride Binding of Cement-Based Materials Subjected to External Chloride EnvironmentA Review. 2018;107:3040. 275284. High performance cwith GGBS and ROBO sand. Seismic behavior of beam-column joints strengthened with ultra-high performance fiber reinforced concrete. It is important to optimize the fiber distribution as well. The last principle states that UHPC should have high toughness i.e. Madandoust R, Ranjbar MM, Moghadam HA,Mousavi SY. Results, Ultra high performance concrete (UHPC) are highly resistant to freezing-thawing actions. Development of ultra high performance concrete with locally available materials. UHPC containing nanoparticles Journal of Sustainable Cement-Based Materials 41 synthesized by sol-gel method. Constr Build Mater. Ultra-high performance concrete and high performance construction materials : proceedings of HiPerMat 2016 4th International Symposium on Ultra-High Performance Concrete and High Performance Materials, Kassel, March 9-11, 2016 / More details Holdings Description Table of Contents Similar Items Staff View Meng W., Khayat K.H. It has been concluded from research that the distribution and the interconnection of pores and cracks are important factors contributing to the water transport and distribution in cement-based materials, which have a significant impact on their permeability. The hidden meaning of the water-to- cement ratio. 2018;91:156173. 3. 1996;8(1):16. UHPC is not recommended for use in high-temperature applications due to its low heat absorption capacity. UHPC Defined. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (. 1014 March 2013; pp. Eng Struct. However, silica fume (>10%) does not shows any significant changes in the compressive strength, giving strength similar to 5% SF addition [132]. At the same dose (optimum dose), the compressive strength of UHPC is 58% more than that of reference concrete at 56 days of curing. This paper will give an overview on UHPC, with particular . Shear stress-strain curve for UHPFRC. Strainhardening UHP-FRC with low fibre contents. the results show that this method can be well used for retrofitting RC beams. These metamorphoses cause the disintegration of. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Ultra High Performance Concrete, Ultra High Performance Concrete (UHPC) offers a great spectrum of favourable material properties. The relation between fiber orientation and tensile behavior in an Ultra High Performance Fiber Reinforced Cementitious Composites (UHPFRCC). 1 Introduction Ultimate cracking strength (post), energy absorption capacity and the strain capacity are very important tensile parameters which should be properly investigated to observe the tensile behaviour. Wu L, Farzadnia N, Shi C, et al. There were reductions of 17.7%, 31.2%, and 45.1%, respectively, for the mixtures with 1%, 2%, and 3% corrugated fibers [27]. 44. Cem Concr Compos. 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Effects of SAP on the properties and pore structure of high performance cement-based materials. Provision of thermal treatment to the UHPC is one of the best methods to reduce the creep effectively. Cem Concr Compos. Graybeal B, Tanesi J. Durability of an ultrahigh-performance concrete. Over the last twenty years, remarkable advances have taken place in the research and application of ultra-high performance concrete (UHPC), which exhibits outstanding mechanical. On increasing water to cement ratio, the dry. Way R., Wille K. Material Characterization of an Ultra-High Performance Fibre-Reinforced Concrete under Elevated Temperature; Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on UHPC and Nanotechnology for High Performance Construction Materials; Kassel, Germany. Mechanical Properties of Ultra-High-Performance Concrete Enhanced with Graphite Nanoplatelets and Carbon Nanofibers. Mechanical and Durability Characteristics of Sustainable Coconut Fibers Reinforced Concrete with Incorporation of Marble Powder. Yazici H, Yardimci MY, Aydin S, Karabulut AS. The production of UHPC requires very high amount of binder content (approx. Cem Concr Res. Fibers can also provide UHPC with strain-hardening properties in tension and convert brittle failure to ductile failure [7]. In comparison to HPC, UHPCs potential absorption of water is about ten times lower, and it is 60 times lower than NSCs potential absorption of water [71]. To browse Academia.edu and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds toupgrade your browser. are very efficient in enhancing the overall performance of UHPC. Rev IBRACON Estrut Mater. 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BEAMS, UHPFRC DEVELOPMENT MATERIAL PROPERTY CHARACTERIZATION AND STRUCTURAL APPLICATIONS, DEVELOPMENT OF ULTRA-HIGH PERFORMANCE CONCRETE FOR JOINTED PRECAST DECKS AND CONCRETE PILES IN INTEGRAL ABUTMENT BRIDGES, MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF ULTRHIGH PERFORMANCE FIBER REINFORCED CONCRETE, A Study on Properties of Reactive Powder Concrete, BEHAVIOUR OF MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF ULTRA-HIGH PERFORMANCE CONCRETE WITH STEEL FIBRES AND MINERAL ADMIXTURES, Ultimate shear response of ultra-high-performance steel fibre-reinforced concrete elements, IJERT-A Study on Properties of Reactive Powder Concrete, Composite Properties of High-Strength, High-Ductility Concrete, Mechanical and Fracture Mechanics Properties of Ultra-High- Performance Concrete, Effect of supplementary cementitious materials on autogenous shrinkage of ultra-high performance concrete h i g h l i g h t s, Flexural behavior of hybrid concrete beams reinforced with ultra-high performance concrete bars, Evaluation of modified-graphite nanomaterials in concrete nanocomposite based on packing density principles, Improvement of the surface quality and aesthetics of ultra-high-performance concrete, DEVELOPMENT AND STUDY OF CLOSURE STRIP BETWEEN PRECAST DECK PANELS IN ACCELERATED BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION, PhD Dissertation, Effect of cyclic exposure and fibre content on tensile properties of ultra-high-performance concrete, Elevated Temperature Performance of Reactive Powder Concrete Containing Recycled Fine Aggregates, STRENGTHENING OF ULTRA HIGH PERFORMANCE FIBER REINFORED CONCRETE USING WASTE MATERIALS, Mechanical Properties of UHPC with Hybrid Fibers, Comparative study between the Cost of Normal Concrete and Reactive Powder Concrete, Shear retrofitting of reinforced concrete beams with steel fiber reinforced concrete, BEHAVIOR OF ULTRA HIGH PERFORMANCE CONCRETE STRUCTURES, Retrao autognea em beto de ultra-elevado desempenho, Prediction of Compressive Strength and Ultimate Loads for Reactive Powder Concrete Columns, DEVELOPMENT OF HIGH PERFORMANCE FIBRE REINFORCED CONCRETE USING SILICA FUME AND FLY ASH, Strength Development of High-Strength Ductile Concrete Incorporating Metakaolin and PVA Fibers.
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